How it started

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Minnie was blessed with a family friend from an early age. I only met him when I was still wearing a diaper and  the world around me was still fuzzy. I can't remember almost nothing from that time, I don't remember how I met him or when I accepted him as my friend, if I ever did. The earliest memory of us I can think of is when I was heading in the town at an average Christmas day to sing the carols, I was wearing a blue coat and i was holding a small instrument that didn't require much talent. My dad was supervising us and we went from shop to shop excitedly to get a few coins. 

I only got to see him in holidays because he lived far away from where I usually live but close to our holiday home. I still cant decide if it was hell or I was actually excited that when i saw him. In the summer we hang out almost everyday, the easter we did the same, Christmas too. Sometimes him and his family came to visit the city to so I had to see him. 

In holidays I always loved to get ice cream at my favourite place, they had all kinds of different flavours and a long line formed in front of it all day and was even more long during the night. We also went to the beach that was always so perfect, although I never learned how o enjoy it like I should. Every visit had its ups and downs but I usually always managed to have fun us a kid. My world was so happy and innocent, I wore whatever I wanted, never noticed peoples looks, and was never taught the difference between a little boy and a girl. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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