sweaty man = sweaty choices

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It was a beautiful afternoon, at least, for most people it was. Unfortunately, as a walking orange corpse, it was hard for Jack Kennedy to appreciate nature when the only 'natural' thing he cared about was his left kidney rotting.

Jack took out the square-shaped key to unlock his establishment, Bear. The last standing restaurant in the Fazbear Enterprise. He winced as the blinding yellow lights, sound of ungrateful children screaming and the putrid smell of mystery meat and pizza grease filled his senses.

"Hello? Hello, Hello!" the drained yet enthusiastic voice of his favorite worker, Phone Guy, called out to him. "Sir- boy, lemme tell ya, am I glad to see you!" The man with a black phone for a head said frantically. Jack snickered, "Aren't you always happy to see me, employee?" he questioned sarcastically.

"I mean, yeah, of course, i-" he spoke in a nervous tone before cutting himself off; "Well, today is inspection day. We have a health inspector coming in today. which is obviously very important!" he paused, "I was wondering, well... If you could maybe stay and help me run the place?" Before Jack could respond with a harsh 'no' the phone spoke up again, "just since, y'know, if anything does go ahead and go wrong... Well, it's "Goodbye Freddy's" y'know?" The tuxedo-clad man did whatever the phone equivalent of a shit-eating grin was. "Sure, okay, I'd be glad to lend a hand." he smiled as he lied through whatever teeth he had left.

"That's great! Phone Guy and Orange Guy, hand-in-hand, running a company together! Performing death-defying exploits, saving the company from the clutches of the evil health inspector!" he spoke enthusiastically while giving his Orange friend a hardy handshake.

"Don't you worry, we'll get through this just fine! ... Or do worry, if that makes you work better. I don't know how to motivate you."

"Now, why don't you go check the safe room? Being our... bleeding out room, of sorts, it's quite a high-risk area..." The smaller man said sheepishly. "Go check the safe room, make sure it's safe and doesn't contain a corpse! I'll come to join you once the inspector arrives." He patted Jack on the back before disappearing into the poorly lit security room. Jack sighed, mentally preparing himself to socialize with the rotting corpse of a child murderer stuck in an old rabbit suit.

Walking to the safe room door, he hesitated before quickly opening the door and shutting it behind him. God forbid a customer sees the abomination in the room and calls the police. He waited for a second, and then that all too familiar voice with a new york accent filled his ripped-up ears. "Why, hello there, Old Sport..."

The Purple Guy, Dave Miller said slyly. Jack internally groaned at the sight of the man he was smitten over's 'feral side'. "Quite the place you have here, Sportsy!" The rabbit man cooed "This place is the works! You knew what you were doin', setting this place up..." the purple man trailed off, saying something about how his new pizzeria was just a ploy to lure him back to Jack, which wasn't completely incorrect, but it still annoyed 'Old Sport'.

Jack knew Dave was lying to him. About his situation, at least. 'Ohhh poor little me, I'm stuck in this rabbit suit and definitely not just wearing it to hide from showing my face to Old Sport!!' Jack was at his limit. Not only that, but the room that 'Davetrap' was ranting to him in was humid, making his growing irritation even stronger. "Old Sport! It'll be so easy! It'll be just like before! Besides, who'd miss one lousy kid anyways?"

That was the moment Jack's patience snapped.

"DAVE! I'm here to make profit, i'm NOT here to murder kids! Even if I was, why would I want to do it with you? I can't even take you seriously with that smelly and raggedy rabbit costume on, do you ever wash that thing?" He yelled at the aubergine furry.

Dave shrank at his friend(?)'s words. "Sportsy i.." He spoke sadly before Jack cut him off "Yes. Dave. I know about the suit. Speaking of which, can you take that off? Its killing my fucking sinuses." Dave nodded frantically, knowing not to push his luck with Old Sport. Although he'd never admit it, seeing Dave submit so easily to a harsh tone did something to Jack.

The Aubergine man took off the suit, leaving him in his boxers. After all, wearing clothes inside a suit with spring locks that go off at the slightest touch is not the best idea. He looked away out of embarrassment "There, Old Sport, are ya happy now?" he questioned, Jack just hummed contently getting a bit closer to the eggplant descended man. He remarked smugly, "..y'know, Sportsy, if ya wanted to see me in my boxers you coulda' just ask-" Jack cut him off, aggressively sealing their lips together, effectively shutting Dave up.

He pushed him against the table with his knee, scattering discarded blueprints and lawsuits all over. He roughly carded his slender fingers through Dave's tangled hair, causing the shocked man to shiver.

Jack moved even closer, violating whatever personal space Dave had to his name. He pressed his knee between Dave's thighs, causing him to whine a bit at the sudden pressure.

Jack was the one to pull away a bit so they could breathe in something other than each other. Both were panting, trying to regain their breath as they waited to see who would speak up first.

Eventually, it was Dave who finally broke the silence, the now more magenta colored man spoke in a low, cautious tone "Sportsy I...I didn't know you felt that way about meE-"

Jack cut him off, less aggressively this time. Pressing his knee further in the growing problem Dave had. "I.. it's not like that. I mean it IS like that but-." he paused. "Jesus, Dave i love you so much but, i don't love this version of you as much as i love the whole you. This you is so IRRITATING but i can't.." He paused, taking a deep breath "..I can't get enough of you.. Insane or not, your just so"

He kissed the flustered man a second time, deeply this time. Dave felt the silent request for access to his mouth and granted it without hesitation. 

Jack Kennedy gets Caught in 4k Ultra HDWhere stories live. Discover now