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Y/C=Your country.

"Hey Giogio. ". She looked at Giorno. He hummed as he looked away from the papers to her. " What is it Veronica? ". Mista drank a cup of water as Fugo placed another stack of papers onto Giorno's desk. " I'm pretty bored, do you guys wanna hear a story? It's about someone I know really well. ". Trish nodded as she crosses her legs. " Sure, we don't really have anything else to do. ". Giorno placed the paper he was holding on his desk and nodded as well. " That is true, please do. "

Veronica grinned as she unwrapped a lollipop and popped it in her mouth. " alright! So once upon a day a boy's mom fell ill and he had to kill a gay vampire so that she doesn't die. ". There was some silence until Fugo spoke up. " Is, that it? ". " Oh no! That's just the summary, I'm gonna start now, "

"Right. That's fine. Make sure the only ones aboard are us and the crew. Right. We don't want anymore victims. Also... " Joseph spoke to the payphone while Avdol, Jotaro and Kakyoin was waiting in front of a rice porridge shop.

"Hey big guy! ". Jotaro looked over to the owner of the shop. " You guys aren't from around here are ya? ". He asked as he looked at all of them. " want some rice porridge? Can't come to Hong Kong and not try our dim sum or rice porridge. We have some hot cola, too. ". He took out a cup of hot cola and showed it to them. " Rice porridge, eh? Not bad. Did you know, Jojo? Unlike in Japan, rice porridge is a staple in Hong Kong. ". He looked at jotaro. He looked back at the owner and asked. " One bowl, the popular way, with pork and century egg. " "Coming right up! ". Avdol was about to order as well before Mr. Joestar interrupted him.

" are you guys really gonna eat rice porridge at a time like this? We should go and explore a bit to see if DIO sent any of his lackeys after us. Then, we're going to my old favorite. ". He said as he walked over to them. " Ah! Hey, dandy guy. Want to try some Hong Kong hot cola? ". The owner asked him. " Hot!? Everybody knows it's supposed to be cold! ". Joseph starts being racist with the owner because he's British and American. Oh and also because he's old.

" Americans are scary.... ". Mista muttered to himself and Veronica nodded her head. She relaxed on the couch and Continued.

" Old man, who were you just calling? ". Jotaro asked his grandfather before he can say anything racist. " Hm? Oh, I'll explain when we get to the restaurant. We need to work out a plan that'll get us to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible. ".  Kakyoin put his hand in his chin and spoke. " A plan? ". Avdol looked at Joseph and warned him. " Mr. Joestar, we cannot allow any more innocent civilians to be hurt. The quickest way would be by plane but.... ". He trailed off.

They started walking around until they ended up at Tiger Balm Garden, a mysterious tableau located on the hillside of Hong Kong's Tai Hang Road. It's unique aesthetic and sense of style make it one of Hong Kong's most unusual sites. As they arrived at the top they were in awe of the odd style surrounding them. " This place is interesting, however.... ". Avdol looked around as Kakyoin slightly shivered. " Something is wrong... ". Jotaro finished Avdol's sentence. Joseph pointed at a person sitting on one of the brightly colored crabs facing away from them. " I don't know why but that guy gives me the creeps. ". They then stood up and slowly turned around until they were face to face. " Finally.... You came. ".

"Hold on a second. " Fugo interrupted her and she groaned. "What is it you nerd? ". He slightly glared at her and crossed his arms. " Why did they go from the main street to Tiger Balm Garden? All I know is that the nearest payphone near the Garden is very far away. ". Veronica shrugged and replied, "How am I supposed to know?I'm not them. ". He sighed and slightly raised his voice trying not to lose his cool. " How do you not know?  You are the one that's telling the story. ". She put her feet on the table and looked up at the ceiling. " I just don't, and if I did I wouldn't remember cause my memory is smaller than Diavolo's dick. ". Giorno chuckled and Fugo shook his head. " Okay, can you continue? ". Trish asked and Veronica nodded.

They spoke slowly while taking out a book. "What? ". Kakyoin spoke. For some reason this person felt familiar to him. " Who are you!? ". Joseph yelled at them. 'Yeesh, can this guy not yell? ' the mysterious person  chuckled and pointed at them. " Ahahah, me? I'm here to take you guys out of course! ".

There was a silent minute until the American talked. " Eh? Sorry I'm married, They're both students and him.... ". Joseph pointed at all of them and looked at Avdol. " I simply do not want a relationship. ". '...Hah? What? WHAT??' They thought because WHAT THE-." W-What!? No I didn't mean it like that what the hell is wrong with you!? I meant I was sent by DIO to kill you guys! What the hell... ". Joseph let out a small " Oh. ". As Jotaro sighed. " You Americans I swear... ". They mumbled to myself. " Well, let me introduce myself properly... ".

They put their hand on their chest and told them what they needed to know. " My name is Y/N L/N. I am 17 years old and I'm from Y/C but I lived in Japan for pretty much my whole life. I have been sent by lord DIO to eliminate you guys. ". Kakyoin widened his eyes and Jotaro noticed. " What is it Kakyoin, is there something? ". He Stammered out an answer. " I-I know them... ". Jotaro raised his eyebrow and continued questioning him. " What do you mean? ". Kakyoin looked him and spoke. " I.... known them since we were kids... I can't believe DIO made them join him. ". Kakyoin bit his lip as he stared at them. They trailed their eyes and looked at all of them but stopped at Kakyoin.

"Hiiii Nori-Nori~! ". There was an silence until Joseph let out a loud " HUUHHH?! "

They immediately lost their intimidating look as they waved to Kakyoin like a old friend. Avdol, Joseph and Jotaro looked at Kakyoin as he waved back. "T-they lost their scary demeanor the second they saw Kakyoin! ". Joseph said as he had both his hands on both sides of his face. " Y/N....". Kakyoin muttered as they brought back their intimidating aura. "What a shame you left... I missed you. ". They spoke trying to sound like they were telling the truth but based off of his expression, he knew it was a lie. They looked away and shrugged. " But oh well, you can have a fast and painless death because I have a soft spot for you. Although, the others will die a painful death. ". Joseph tsked. " You have quite an ego there... ". They took out a pen from their breast pocket and opened the book. " I don't have an ego Mr. Joestar.... I'm just simply saying the truth. ". They grinned and started writing in the book. They were all confused until Jotaro got on his knees and coughed up blood. " Jotaro! Are you okay? ". The red haired student got on his knees and checked on him as Jotaro glared daggers into them. It was quite intimidating that they were about to piss their pants! . " Yeesh! If looks could kill I would've been having dinner with with my parents! ". They laughed by themself while the others were silent.

" You know, this "Y/N" reminds me of you Veronica. ". She looked at Fugo. " Oh what do you ever mean by that my favorite colleague? ". He narrowed his eyes and uncrossed his arms. " Y/N likes to really grin and smile a lot and take things as a joke. Like you. ". Mista said as she dramatically gasped. " Wow! Just wow! You guys are unbelievable! Why would I tell a story about myself and not tell you guys? You guys do not know me at all! ". Giorno sighed and apologized. " I'm sorry Veo, can you continue though? ". She looked at giorno over her shoulder and grinned. " Okay~! ". She got comfy on the couch and continued.

" H-How did you do that? ". Avdol interrupted their cute laughing and-"Its probably the same as yours which is definitely not cute. " Trish interrupted Veronica, she looked at her and mouthed out "I'll kill you. ". She cleared her throat and continued.

They smiled at them. " My stand of course! I'm surprised you didn't see the guy next to joots. " they looked next to Jotaro and there was a gray buff man that had no face fading until he was opaque that was in the same pose as Jotaro, even mimicking his breathing patterns. "Whatever I write in my book and who it's directed for, my stand will make you do it. So~ Jotaro is now my puppet! But I'm gonna stop because I feel like something bad will happen to me if I don't! ". Star platinum appeared and tried punching the stand before it faded away and appeared next to the h/c haired individual. Jotaro felt his muscles loosen up and immediately stood up, Kakyoin stood up too and stared at them.

Suddenly, she stopped talking and took out a empty lollipop stick out of her mouth. " Well that's my sign to leave! I'll see you guys later and tell you guys the rest. Ciao~! ". She then dissapeared with only the stick in her place. " I wanted to hear more of it, I'm bored out of my damn mind! ". Mista complained as Giorno sat on the couch next to Mista after taking the stick and throwing it into the trash, " I'm quite curious on what's next... ".

I oh so wonder whats next! Now that's all from me folks and tune in next time. Stay hydrated and ciao~

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