Why me

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 Why me

That question always crosses my mind every time I reflect on my life and I remember it as if it happened yesterday;

Ever since I met you, you always looked at me with a sweet gaze and never left me alone, you were always there in good and bad times.

I still remember how agent 4 met you, and you hid behind me thinking that she would hurt you; I never thought that with time you and she would forge a close relationship, just as I did with her.

I still remember my first kiss although not in the best way, and it happened during a ranked battle, we had won and we were celebrating, until in an unexpected move you kissed me, the whole audience had witnessed the kiss, and the reactions were different, most of them looked at us indignant and some of them booed us, after this happened, we were permanently banned from ranked battles.

During the way back home, you were cry, you wondered what I had done wrong and why everyone was booed us, while I felt indignant about how the people reacted negatively to the kiss and permanently banning us from ranked battles unfairly, at same time surprised that agent 8 kissed me, even though I had feelings for her since we met for first time and wanted to confess my feelings to her, but she when ahead with the kiss, although it was a bad time to do it.

When we got home you ran to your room to cry and I felt how my eyes got wet, I also started crying in my room until I fell asleep in my bed, a few hours later I woke up, it was still night, I went to your room to see how you were, when I saw you I was captivated by your innocence of how you sleep, I wanted to go back to my room to sleep, and you wake up, you told me to stay and I refused, but you grabbed me by the arm and kissed me, when the kiss ended, you confessed your feelings and I confessed mine, we both kissed again, and as the kiss progressed the passion grew more and more, until I begun to take off your clothes and you took off mine and we both decided to give ourselves body to body without thinking of the consequences it would bring in the future.

3 years after we become a couple, people started to accept our relationship even though we were different species, until one day, we were on a date and suddenly you fainted, I took you to a hospital and a few hours later, I asked the doctor how you were doing, he said "Well my friend, I have bad news, she doesn't have long to live, she has AIDS".

At first I thought it was a bad joke on the doctor part, and I was ready to punch him in the face, until the doctor with a straight face showed me your diagnosis, reading carefully the diagnosis I saw the results where you had tested positive for AIDS.

I was devastated, I felt like my heart was breaking inside, so I asked the doctor a question and I told him "Them I am also going to die the same way she did" and he answered me "Look, I would not know exactly if you have AIDS or not, but first; do not think that way, second; I would have to do some tests to know your diagnosis and third; if you test negative I congratulate you, but, if you come out positive in this test, I am really sorry", those words that the doctor said to me left me in shock, then I asked him in which room she was and he answered me "Room number 10, just one thing, try not be so noisy and speak quietly when entering the room".

Went the doctor said that, he left me alone, I went to her room and I found her crying, she told me that this news left her scared and that she didn't want to die, she wanted our relationship to last until old age, I couldn't take it anymore, I hugged her and burst into tears, later after consoling her, I got tested, so I went to the doctor to find out my diagnosis, when he saw me, he made a worried face and just said "I'm sorry" and showed me the diagnosis, I looked at it carefully and I had tested positive for AIDS, I just asked the doctor how long I had to live, he replied "Look my friend, I am not God to know how long you have to live, AIDS is quite random it can last a couple of years or maybe weeks, the only advice I can give in these circumstances is to live every day as if it were you last", I was crying when I heard about my possible destiny and the doctor hugged me as a consolation when he saw me like this.

The days passed and your health worsened more and more, until one day the nurse who took care of your room handed me a letter and told me that you had passed away, and that this letter was your last words before leaving this world, when I open the letter, I started to read it, in it you told me about your memories when you were with me, since we first met, even how you wanted to marry me, have a family and grow old together, at the end of the letter you thank me for being with you and say goodbye.

When I finished reading the letter, I thanked the nurse for taking care of her until her deathbed, so I decided to go home and when I got home, I went to my bed to cry silently, I had lost the only love I ever had in my life.

A week after the burial of agent 8 my relationships with others worsened so much in my daily life, I hardly spoke with agent 4, she was greatly affected by the sudden death of agent 8, with the Squid Sisters and Cap'n Cuttlefish, I decided to tell them that I would leave the squad for personal reasons, at the first they tried to convince me to stay, but in the end I had to say no to them.

In the case of Off the Hook, Pearl and Marina were still very sorry for the loss of her, although at the beginning they gave me encouragement to move forward, I had to tell them about my situation, they were concerned and told me that the situation was getting worse I could count on their support, to which I simply refused the support they were giving me, also telling them to go on with their lives and not to worry about me, everything would be fine, saying goodbye to them for good, and friends, I never really had one, for me they were always opportunists who only seek benefits to generate a team of ranked battles and also for rejecting me by having a love relationship with an octoling.

At this point, my life was already complete shit, I lost my love, I left my position as an agent, I refused the support of Off the Hook for my sake, I never had friends and the only consolation I had left was alcohol, at some point in my life it had to happen to me, there was no turning back, even so I ask myself, what is the worst thing that can happen to me?.

Six months passed after your death, I was walking around aimlessly, completely drunk, I was in a deplorable state, I babbled incoherently and people ran away from me when they saw me, they thought I had gone crazy, but I was still suffering for your loss, my vision was blurred, I was too weak to keep moving and from one moment to another I had lost consciousness.

I woke up and I could barely distinguish my surroundings, I didn't know where I had stopped, but I had an idea of where I was when I heard noises of medical equipment, someone had brought me to the hospital, suddenly I heard a familiar voice, it was the voice of agent 4, possibly she had brought me here, she was worried and called the doctor, when he saw me, he complained about my condition, and he talked about my diagnosis with the agent 4, while I listened, I heard from him that my case of AIDS was already very advanced and was similar to that of agent 8, only with the difference of having resisted the symptoms more, also of having contracted other diseases, and of being surprise that I was still alive up to this point, even so mentioned that I did not have much time left to live and the only thing I could do was to stay until my deathbed.

Now at present, I am in bed with several devices attached to my body, from time to time Agent 4 visits me in my room, but most of the time, she starts to cry as she sees that every day my health is getting worse and worse, until...

Days later, Agent 4 took her own life, a she could not bear to see me in the state, and she didn't want to see me die in the same way as Agent 8.

Well as for me, I am alone, the only friend who visited me that I had committed suicide, each day has been worse than the previous one, my body has become completely immobile, I cannot articulate any words and my vision has become quite blurry, the only action I can do is to shed tears, tears of suffering, now I want this suffering to end so I can be reunited with you in the afterlife.

Splatoon 2: Why me (Agent 3♂x Agent 8♀) (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now