Ella went to a portal

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Ella was asleep but she woke up she saw a portal she touch it she was afraid but she gonna do it 5 hours later she was in Scootaloo loves sans world Ella met Scootaloo for no reason she met her friends sashley woke up ELLA IS MISSING!!!! Astuko said maybe she went to the restroom before we wake up kazro went to see the bathroom and see Ella is in here she's not kazro said no she's not here sashley and her friends went the Scootaloo loves sans portal and see Ella is in here she's here Scootaloo and Apple bloom are giving cupcakes Ella said mouth fully um you can stop giving cupcakes now. Ella saw sashley and her friends looking for her she went a portal rossali portal Ella saw rossali rossali said hi honey bear want something sashley and her friends asking Scootaloo and her friends "have you seen a little girl named Ella?" Scootaloo said in a portal rossali. sls and sashley there together Ella said mmm love tea rossali said honey what's your name? ELLA:  I'm Ella ROSSALI: oh I know you you're from sashley right? ELLA: yes sls and sashley found she went to kitty channel afnan portal ROSSALI: yes what can I help you? ALLE: did you have been my friend? ROSSALI: no Describe her ALLE: she has rainbow hair, pink eyes, with unicorn horn, pink jacket and dark pink pants. ROSSALI: oh she's in kitty channel portal ROSSALI: ok guys I can come. (ELLA YELPS) KITTY: so what are doing in my world? ELLA: um I Accidentally went a portal kitty said oh sure kid sashley said where is she??? Peppermint said is she dead???? Kayla said no she's not dead peppermint. Cinnamon yells: ELLA WHERE ARE YOU!?!? Kazro said stop yelling cinnamon. kazro sighs kazro said Abigail daughter what do supposed to do to find Ella? Ghost Abigail said father follow me the cloud kitty and Ella saw something bright Abigail Ella said Abigail? Sashley is looking for you Said Abigail Ella, you going home Ella said yes I'm going home sashley said there you are Peppermint said I was sooo worried I thought you died ELLA RAN AWAY to kittydog portal  kittydog: new character want waffles? Ella: yes Cody: IT'S ELLA!! sashley: it's not Ella Cody. Kittydog: what's wrong I miss my friends kittydog: ok Sashley. Came everyone went home. ELLA POV: I'm Ella I'm 11 years old who loves sashley everything changed in 2020.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 31, 2022 ⏰

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