Chapter 1: meeting him/ being taken

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(Y/N)'s Pov

I was working at the local cafe in Arcadia. It has been recently where I had seen Jim fight some sort of creature under the bridge. I had confronted Jim about it yesterday where I was told everything. I knew Jim when I was an 8th grader in middle school and he was a only a 4th grader. Right now I was working. "Here ya go ms. Earheart!" I said. "Thank you dear!" The woman said. I turned and left. "(L/N)! Shifts over!" Thomas said. I signed and walked in the back to clock out. Thomas came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "So are you doing anything later?" He said. I grumbled, I never liked Thomas. I always thought he was a big ass pervert "yeah, going
Out on a date with my boyfriend, Tobias." I said. I was lying about the boyfriend thing. "Aw come on! Same excuse! I can be a better boyfriend that that dimwit!" Thomas said as he moved. I raised my eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Your boyfriend Tobias Domzalski!" Thomas said. I gaged. "NOT THAT TOBIAS!! Domzalski is a 15 year old!" I said as I slapped Thomas. I turned and left. I told Stacy farewell. I walked down the street seeing Thomas behind me. I groaned. I knew damn well Thomas moved to this town when he was 17 and never met mr. Strickler. I saw my old teacher and walked over to him. "Code red Walt!" I said as I sat down infront of him. He was at a diner. Mr. Strickler choked on his drink and looked around and spotted Thomas. "Ah I see. And you pulled the 'off to see my boyfriend' thing huh?" Walter said. (I'm calling him Walter! Too much effort to use is last name). "Yeah! And my dumbass gave my fake boyfriend a name. Tobias." I said. Walter chuckled. "Means if he walks over I have to respond to Tobias." He said. "Apparently. Hey least I slaped his dumb ugly mug of a face! He looks uglier that a troll! You know those weird ugly drawings of a troll under a bridge on the Internet?" I said. Walter chuckled nervously. I paused. Thomas walked over and slaped Walter on the back. "Geez (L/N)! Didn't know ya were into older guys!" Thomas said. Walter grumbled already knowing why I don't like Thomas. "Stress, Mr. Rolando. Stress. Please refrain from slapping me on the back." Walter said. I rolled my eyes. "Thomas leave!" I said. Thomas scoffed. Then Toby and Jim walked over. Jim seemed to be glaring at Walter.

"Domzalski! Lake! Welcome!" I said. Thomas huffed and left. "It was nice, assisting you ms. (L/N)." Walt said. "Wait what was the situation?" Toby said. "That boy that left, Thomas Rolando, was bothering (y/n) here. I knew it was a bad situation cause she said 'code red'." Walter said. "Damn. And let me guess he was following you." Jim said. "Yeah. Now I gatta be careful! Might as well tell boss that Thomas is getting creepy and was following me all through town. Idk." I said. After that Walter left and so did I walking with Toby and Jim. "So, are you both okay? After that whole thing at the bridge?" I asked. "Yeah! We're finally free from Bular. No more people going missing." Jim said. "Yeah you mentioned people going missing, we're they found?" I said. "No." Toby said. I noticed the two's uneasyness. Then I realized. "Bular... ate them didn't he." I said. "Yeah." Jim said. After that the two went in their homes. I on the other hand lived further and knew they had a curfew. I walked down the dark road near the woods. I hummed softly as I walked. Then, I heard something in the bushes along with growling. I stopped walking and looked towards the woods. I took a step forward and squinted my eyes. Then a large figure leaped out and pinned me down. I screamed as I tried to kick. The creature moved and sniffed me. "You smell like that Boy!! The trollhunter!!" The creature said. Then I realized. "Bular! Your Bular aren't you! The one Jim and Toby talk about!" I said. The creature, Bular, chuckled darkly. "So you know who I am.. Human." Bular said. I shivered. I didn't like being pinned down by such a brute. Bular grabbed my arm and lifted me up. Bular started to sniff me. I found it odd how this brute of a male kept on sniffing me. Bular then wrapped his whole hand around my Chubby body and went in the woods. I was paranoid now. "Great I'm being kidnapped by a troll.." I said sarcastically. Bular's grip tightened. "Quiet flesh bag!" He said. I grunted. "I got a name ya know. It's (Y/N) (L/N)!" I said as I pouted. Bular kept walking. Soon me and him arrived at some sort of cave. He went inside it and threw me on some sort of nest. I groaned as I got up. "Tsk, this how ya treat women?" I said as I dusted myself off. Bular grumbled as he laid down watching me with those gorgeous menacing eyes. I slapped myself as I just go and sit down in a corner. I kinda wondered why Bular wasn't eating me right here and now. Probably saving me for breakfast tomorrow. I huffed. I laid down closing my eyes and falling asleep..

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