New Groupchat😃And Random Number

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Twice has made a new groupchat with Toga, Shigaraki, and 4 more

Twice: Hellooo!

Dabi: Why did you make a groupchat we're all in the same building?

Toga: Cause it's fun and helloo!

Twice: See Dabi Toga gets it😁

Kurogiri: I understand that it's me, Toga, Spinner, Tomura, Mr.Compress, and Dabi but who's the other number?

Shigaraki: I can't believe you somehow added a random number🤣

Mystery Number: Hi?? why am I here???

Dabi: Do you think you can tell us who you are first?

Mystery Number: Uh Dabi?? wait is this the Lov???

Shigaraki: Are you one of those brats from Class 1a?!?

Mystery Number: Yes...You know what I should leave

Dabi: Wait aren't you going to tell someone?

Mystery Number: I mean I should but it probably won't end well

Toga: Well either way...Can you tell us which one from Class 1a you are???

Spinner: Is that all you care about?

Toga: Yes😋

Mystery Number: Ok well im Izuku Midoriya I know for sure Toga knows me sooo-

Toga: Izu!!!😍

Twice has renamed Mystery Number as Izu

Kurogiri: Are you planning on telling someone?

Izu: No....why?

Mr.Compress: Cause we're villians so that means we commit crimes and plus we have attacked you and your class so that would be why

Izu: Makes sense but being villians does not mean you were always evil and I know you all are "villians" for a reason

Dabi: Kid why did you use " on villians?

Izu: Oh it's cause while others call anyone who does bad things "villians" I only call those who deserve to be called villians as villians

Shigaraki: So....your saying that you think we're not villians

Toga: Also what did you mean by 'you all are villians for a reason'?

Izu: First of all im not saying the things you did are good well some things were good but most are not and second I know the reason for most if not all of you for becoming a "villian"

Kurogiri: What did you mean when you said some of the things we did are good?

Shigaraki: Im wondering that too

Izu: Well to be honest some of the villians you have killed im glad you did and also what you did to Overhaul I can't argue with cause to be honest he deserved it

Dabi: Wow...Kid you good?

Izu: Mentally?

Mr.Compress: Yeah

Izu: Haha no😃

Twice: Same here😀

Mr.Compress: Twice you were not supposed to agree with that

Twice: But it's truueee

Dabi: Kid why aren't you mentally ok?

Spinner: Yeah cause you got a good quirk to be a hero, Stain himself called you a true hero, probably have a bunch of other things some of us can only dream of

Izu: And thats where your wrong😄 Cause you see.....Im not telling you also I have to go bye

Toga: Byeeee

Twice: Byee

Izu went offline

Spinner: So what now

Shigaraki: The hell you mean 'So what now' now we're gonna find out why that kid is not ok

Kurogiri: We could just wait for him to be online again and then ask him

Toga: But I want to know nowww~😢

Mr.Compress: I agree with Kurogiri

Toga: Fiinee~ you guys are no fun

Toga went offline

Shigaraki: Well I guess thats goodbye

Everyone went offline

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