the encounter

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In the midnight streets of the city a limo is driving down a street, the street light come and go quickly as the black wolf looked out his car window contemplating his face show no expression but a serious one.

Chase: sir, are you alright?

A much younger wolf with light grey interrupted John's daze.

John: it's nothing you should worry about young blood.

Chase: I'm sorry sir won't happen again.

Logan: ... the meeting we're going is an important discussion with the other alphas about a certain issue that is spreading.

Chase: about the rebelling wolves right sir.

Logan: yes it started by a beta named Silas building his own pact causing a problem such as terrorism acts against the hellhound pact. I'm needed in to resolve the issue as possibly as i can so I need you to on your best tonight.

Chase: yes sir.

The limo came to a holt as a wolf opened the door letting John out walking into a building, at the top is held with one of the most powerful pact leader around the city, bane is the hellound pact leader ,Roberto is the Fenix pact leader as Joshua is the youngest pact leader of the diamond dogs now for the eldest is Johnathan who is the dogs of war pact leader.

Bane: what is that damn cyclops getting here!!!

Johnathan: you need to be patient bane he is coming.

Bane: I can't wait around my boys are getting picked off by this rebellion.

Roberto: yes now they are calling themselves alpha betas, it's a absurd name but still it's ridiculous they think just over throwing us.

Joshua: yeah to think about it's only going to get worse if we don't deal with it soon.

Johnathan: I wouldn't worry too much once John is arrives.

Bane: what about this vigilante roaming around our territories he's taken down nearly half my second commanding officers and I can barely keep wolves together.

Logan: im sorry if I kept you waiting.

Johnathan: ah Logan we are just discussing the matter.

Roberto: yes Silas has become a big problem in our territories yet this vigilante is the same also.

Logan: I has people rounding up info of the Silas's attack , some came to me saying his pact stole a large amount of silverware from stores all over the city, I suspect he's planning a-

Smoke came out of the vent quick as the smoke covered the floor everyone is on alert, is Silas making his attack now? The windows broke out shattering into pieces as a Bodie landed on the table and a dark figure appeared by the windows.

Logan: You!!

I lunged at the intruder I've pinned against the wall. He managed to overpower me struck me in the face losing my grasp of him, using his leg to swipe me off the ground hitting making s slammed down to the floor I managed to get up quickly but the assailant is gone everyone started to sniff his scent but the smoke is getting into our noses.

???: I have a feeling we'll meet a again real soon wolf.

He was enveloped in smoke then he was gone, that was the first time meeting the midnight. Everyone saw the body on the table to reveal that it's Silas himself beaten to hell. After the meeting being compromised everyone had to leave Silas's corpse brings a disturbing feeling.

Logan: this is bad.

Johnathan: I wonder how your father would do in this situation.

Logan: he isn't here, I'll handle this problem if I have to flip this city under.

The meeting had to be cut short so I left to go home to think about that intruder, his appearance was human for sure and a strong one at that. He doesn't seem to target anyone but Silas maybe trying to intimidate the alphas or it's a warning.

Chase: boss... boss!

Logan: what.

Chase: did you get look at the guy who killed Silas.

Logan: no, he wore a mask but not only that his scent was ... odd.

Chase: odd how?

Logan: odd as if his scent is not normal for a human.

Chase stared out the window.

Chase: sir do you want a drink?

Logan: it is unprofessional to ask your boss to drink.

Chase: , it's not what I meant. I meant to do you need something to drink after all that happened.

I do need something to ease the stress.

Logan: there is a bar coming up a few blocks down, I'll get a drink there.

Soon we arrived at a bar call the escape, quite interesting name for a bar. Once inside we see a nice furnished area a few humans and beastmen stopped to look at us then continued on own business. I saw an open stool so I sat and order a drink from the bartender left get my drink. I notice a human next to me he was staring down almost looking like a statue.

Logan: uh hello?

This seem to snap out of his daze.

Y/n: huh oh sorry I was just thinking.

Logan: you looked like you have something in your mind.

Y/n: don't we all, I'm trying to figure out a few things.

Logan: you come here alot?

Y/n: yeah but only for the wifi.

He laughed at his own joke but stopped when looking at me.

Logan: is something wrong?

Y/n: no nothing it's just you got some beautiful scars.

Did he give a compliment of my battle scar? No one ever try to even mention it.

Y/n: shit sorry, I made it weird.

Logan: no it's alright, nobody ever gave me a compliment like that.

Y/n: I have happened to say things out loud and it's embarrassing.

He seems abit odd for a human, he isn't even slightest know who I am.

Y/n: sorry I don't think we introduced, Names y/n and you.

He strached his hand out.

Logan: Logan, logan Clayton. Are you from out of town.

Y/n: yeah back home was a... let's just say it's complicated, I just came here in the city for a change of scenery. I just settled here just about month ago.

Underneath him was a large duffle it looked heavy to carry for a guy like him. I'm guessing he's homeless, a whiff of his scent confirms it.

Logan: you have anywhere to stay?

Y/n: yeah I sleep at the shelter around corner.

I'd rather sleep in a comfort of a home, usually I just brush people off but I'm starting like this one he's weird but amusing.

Logan: I don't want make it sound good to be true and all but are you looking for work.

Y/n: yeah why are you offering.

Logan: it's your choice if you take it or not. I'm asking.

Y/n: alright shoot what do have to offer?

Logan: a paycheck with alot of zeroes , a roof over your head and a warm meal made by my top chefs everyday.

Y/n: for what do I have to do?

Logan: you'll be my bodyguard.

Y/n: bodyguard what are you the president.

Logan: heh no, I'm better than that.

After a moment of silence a decision had been made.

Y/n: why the hell not I got nothing after this.

Logan: let's finish our drinks I have a car waiting outside.

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