Chapter 1

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6:39 am -

I woke up hearing cars honking and rain falling on the roof. "Another shitty day", I said to myself. I get up from my bed, put my slippers on and my robe and I headed down stairs.

As I was walking down stairs my little sister Julia was running around the whole house trying to find her backpack. "I'm late, I'm late!" Julia yelled to herself. "Late for what?" I said. "For school, you idiot! It's 9:00am and school started one hour ago!" she said while running around the living room. I went over to the kitchen and looked over to the clock. It said 6:43am. As Julia was freaking out, I shouted at her. "It's only 6:43. Now let's see who the real idiot is now", I giggled. "Oh shut up", Julia said while walking passed me with a sour look on her face. My sister Julia is only 9 and a half and she is a total pain in the butt.

"Good morning sweetie!" my mom said while taking the milk from the refrigerator. "Morning!" I said while taking the  cereal out of the cupboard. "How did you sleep?" my mom asked me. "Well not really good to be honest with you. I had to study last night for this big test that we are going to have in math today, all night." "Oh well sweetie. I believe you will do great!" my mom said smiling at me. I pulled out a bowl from the top cupboard that is over the microwave and set it gently on the counter. I grabbed the milk, poured it into my bowl. And then I got the cereal and poured it as well. I checked my phone and it said 7:30am.

When I was done with my cereal it was about 7:39am. School starts at 8:00am. I left my bowl on the counter and ran up the stairs going directly into my room to get ready to go to prison. Well not actually prison. I mean school but it's like a prison. When I got to the room I went to my closet. I picked out a plain long sleeve black shirt. I went to my drawer and got some nice pair of blue jeans that I got from Forever 21 yesterday when I went with my mom. I grabbed my black long jacket that was on my mini couch in my room. Went to the bathroom to put my hair in a bun, brushed my teeth, put eyeliner, eye shadow, and red lip stick. As I was heading out the door I slipped on my black knee high boots. I grabbed my backpack, headed down stairs and said bye to my mom and sister. My parents are divorced so my dad doesn't live with us anymore.

As I went outside it was snowing. "Oh how lovely", I said sarcastically. My school was the about the next street over so I didn't bother to bring a umbrella. I checked my phone and it was 8:20am! "I'm late!" I closed the house and started walking out in the cold. As I was walking I noticed that I wasn't wearing a scarf. "Shoot. I forgot to grab a scarf!" I said to myself. As I got to school it was around *:35am. I went straight to homeroom.

9:15 am -

As I got out of homeroom I was already falling asleep. I headed to my locker, threw my stuff in it and grabbed my Math book, English book and History Book.

10:25 am -

*Bell Rings* "Finally class is over." I said while grabbing my Math book from the middle round table of the classroom. "Well time to go to English class", I said with a sigh looking down at the wet school floor.

2:55 pm -

"Ring, Ring!" The school bells goes off, which means it's the end of school. "I got up my seat and grabbed my History book. I grabbed my book and just rushed out of that class.

3:20 pm -

Finally I got home.

5:38 pm -

Started doing homework

7:35 pm -

Got done doing homework

8:00 pm -

Started watching TV

10:25 pm -

Fell asleep

Went to bed

new york stranger ; h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora