sorry i didnt kiss you.

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harrys p.o.v

i was (rather rudely) awakened by my sister, gemma, running into my room screaming about how im going to be late for work.

as much as i wanted to yell at her to go away, it was my first day. and you just can't be late on your first day.

i start working at a bakery just down the road from my house. i need a summer job and it's close enough so mum doesn't have to drive me, not that she could do anyway nowadays.

my mum drinks a lot. maybe too much. she has for a while. ever since my step-dad, robin, died. he was like a father figure to me and gems.

anyway. i rush up out of bed and grab an outfit i think would be suitable for work. a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pink baggy sweater.

oh and if it wasn't obvious already im gay. i came out at the age of 9 by expressing my love for ken and telling my mum that i didn't like barbies boobs. or any boobs for that matter.

i rush downstairs and grab my white converse, slipping them onto my feet before giving gemma a quick kiss on the cheek and leaving for work.

im excited to have a job, and ive been to the bakery loads the women there love me. they're a bunch of old ladies, but they're sweet.

it only takes about 5 minutes to get there. i walk in through the back door and quickly get greeted by one of the nicest ladies who works here, barbara.

'oh harry dear, i forgot you were starting today how lovely to see you'

'good morning barbara, should i grab an apron and get to it?' i respond with a smile practically breaking my face in two.

'yes my darling, they're just over there. if you don't mind could you work behind the til today. i know it's you're first day and probably don't know how to use it so sandy over there will help you if it's needed'

'okay, that's great thank you.'

i smile once more before grabbing an apron and tying it around my waist while walking towards the til.

'hello. sandy correct? barbara told me you'd be able to help me today, if it's okay of course.'

'oh dear boy don't be silly of course it's okay, do you know how the til works?'

'no not exactly, sorry.' i reply with a short laugh at the end.

'not to worry dear, here you go. so when you press this...'


the time is 12:46pm, ive been working for near enough 3 hours and im exhausted.

this place doesn't get loads of customers, but a stressful amount for someone's first day.

some people were really nice and understood that i must be new or something. others not so much. this one woman came in, looked like a proper karen, and she asked for 2 chocolate eclairs and a crème de ruse. i told her we didn't have that in because im not going to lie ive never heard of that in my life.

she had a little boy with her who seemed to be the spitting image. he told me that pink was a girl colour and i looked stupid wearing it, karen didn't even stop him.

eventually she asked to speak to a 'well-respected lady', so i went and got barbara who explained that we don't own crème de ruse and for her to look somewhere else. she left soon after.

the nice ones were mainly young people who looked like they were going to own a library or live in an old van or something.

'harry dear it's your lunch now come on.' sandy said as the bell rang, signaling that another customer had come in.

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