The egg

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Fan was holding the egg while watching paintbrush trying to do the challnage. *Crack* He heard a small crack and looked down at the egg. Before he could speak a loud sound came from the egg.  ' what was that' fan said while looking at the egg. *Crack* The egg had cracked again this time the top of the egg partly slid off. Fan remove the top of the egg shell to see a small all white kitten with dragon wings and horns. 'Woahh..I have never seen something like this'!  Test tube said picking up the small cat. The cat stared at test tube before making a really loud noise. Test tube handed the cat back to fan and it stopped making the loud sound. Meanwhile paintbrush was screaming really loudly about the contest. 'Not now paintbru-. fan was cut off because paintbrush and yanked the cat from fan. 'NOW HOW WOULD YOU LIKE  IT  IF I SMASHED THIS THING INTO THE GROUND'. Paintbrush yelled holding the cat above his head. Paintbrush calmed down and gave fan the creature. Fan held the cat creature as test tube was testing it in her lab. 'Fan I need you to hand her to me'  Test tube spoke. 'But last time-'. Test tube cut off fan. ' Trust me'. Fan gave the cat to test tube. The cat started to make the loud cry for fan. Test tube still held the cat lighty until the cat stopped making the cry. 'See fan she stopped making the soun-' Fan had cut of test tube 'Testy! Watch out'. fan spoke. test tube looked at the cat who seemed to be ready to shoot fire at her. Test tube place the cat down as it shot a blue colored flame into the wall. 'Maybe you two should bond before you do that again'. fan said while looking at Testy. Fan looked into test tubes eyes and wished her good luck as he  left the lab.

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