Harold Gets His Nails Painted

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This is about Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, specifically in 2011. This wasn't made to be a ship one-shot, just a cute thing I thought of and wanted to write.

The title is quite self explanatory, so I don't think we need a summary lmao.


Harry and Louis sat in their shared hotel room, Louis stood next to Harry, who was sitting on the large bed. It was one of the few days off they had off, and instead of going out to explore the town like the rest of their bandmates had, they opted to stay inside and have a movie marathon. Though, at the moment, there was no movie on; instead, Louis's fingers were wrapped in Harry's brown curls like usual, softly tugging at them as his fingers ran all throughout it. Harry leaned into the touch, a soft smile settling itself on his rosey cheeks.

They were talking about random nothings, just laughing and talking like they normally do, when Louis spoke up with a question.

"Haz, can I paint your nails?"

"What?" Harry spoke, looking up at the older man in confusion.

"You heard me, can I paint your nails?" He spoke a bit louder with a tone more commanding than questioning.

"Why," Harry paused quickly to think, "why would you want to do that, Lou?" Louis took his away from Harry's hair, resting them on his shoulders now. He softly dug his finger tips into the soft skin beneath them.

" 'Cause I think you'd look cute with painted nails, Harry!" The man gleamed, slightly bouncing on his heels.

Harry took a moment to ponder the question, not being too fond of the idea of painted nails. He wasn't against men in painted nails - I mean, hell, he had worn his mother's bra as a young boy, even would dress up in his older sister's clothes sometimes - but, painted nails on him? Well, that was a whole different story. He didn't really like the idea, to be frank about it.

Harry's demeanor had changed, his shoulders weighing in on themselves and his back hunched over, whereas before hand, he had been stat straight as a line; and, of course, Louis took note in this, the light that had been in his eyes was soon replaced with worry as he softened his grip on Harry's shoulders and bent over a bit to look at the boy's face more properly.

"Harry?" Louis softly spoke, "Are you okay?"

Harry had been lost in thought until then, quickly being pulled out of his head with the soothing voice of his mate. He looked up to Louis, almost looking like a lost puppy in a way.

"Yeah, yeah no, I'm fine..." he paused, looking toward the ground. "I just, I dont know if I want to have painted nails."

Harry seemed to become nervous suddenly, which made Louis decide to sit next to him on the bed, resting his hand on his thigh to try and comfort him, his thumb drawing small circles on the fabric of his pajamas.

"Awwwe, come on Haz! It'll be a good idea, you'll look great!" Louis nudged Harry in the shoulder, a wide, toothy smile sitting across his face.

"I- I don't know, Louis-" Harry began, suddenly interrupted.

"Harry! Come on lad, it'll be worth it!"

Louis egged him on more, continuing trying to convince Harry it would be worth it. Eventually, it worked, and with a sigh, Harry finally agreed. Louis leaped in the air, giving a fist pump up toward the ceiling, and a congratulatory pat on his own back. Harry laughed at him, shaking his head to himself over how goofy his bestfriend was, and watched as the man practically raced over to where their luggage laid on the floor. He quickly unzipped one of his, going through the clothes inside, and pulled out a small bag that held four different nail polishes.

Harry laughed, "Why do you have a random bag of nail polish?"

Louis giggled to himself, walking over to the small table that sat just two feet from the bed, laying the polishes out on the wood. "Remember the first time you painted your nails? On that radio show?" Said show had only been a month prior to what they were doing now, so it didn't take Harry long to remember.

"Yeah, I do." Louis pulls out a chair and motions for Harry to sit in it, which Harry rolls his eyes at, but complies, slouching himself on the hard surface as Louis takes his hand.

"Well, after that, I decided to ask one of the ladies to go pick up a couple polishes for us!" He jesters to said polishes. "As you can see, they did just that!"

A proud smile gleams across Louis's face as Harry groans at the jester. Harry looks to the polishes, the one closest to Louis is a simple colour, a solid black one; the one next to it is a shimmery pearl, which makes Harry hope Louis will skip over that one for today; the next one is a pretty maroon, simple like the black one; and lastly, a deep purple with fine holo glitters mixed in it. Harry secretly hopes Louis will pick either the maroon or black polish, not ready to explore glitter polishes just yet.

"So Harold," Louis speaks, pulling up a chair for himself.

"Which one will we do for today?" He puts his elbows on the table, laying his chin on the back of his hands like a princess would, moving his eyes from the polishes to Harry with a wide smile.

Harry pretends to take a moment, not wanting to seem too speedy with his decision.

"Uh, how about the black one?"
Louis smiles at him, tilting his head back as his closes his eyes.

"Good choice there, curly!" He opens his eyes, going to pick up the polish with his right hand, left one still holding onto Harry's hand. Harry smiles and lays his head in the crook of his elbow.

And so it begins! Louis opens the bottle, rubbing the excess off the brush, and carefully begins painting Harry's middle finger. Harry isn't into it at all at first, but by the time Louis begins on his left hand, he doesn't hate it as much as he originally had.

"Look at you Harry!" Louis says excitedly, holding Harry's hands up to him. "You look beautiful!"
Harry blushes in slight embarrassment, a little bit from being called beautiful. "Thanks Lou."

"You don't hate it too much, yeah?" Louis asks, a little quiet, slightly scared of Harry hating the job he had done.

"Honestly, I don't hate it as much as I thought I would." They smile at each other.

"Great!" Louis leaps up, a smile growing ear to ear. "Now, while that dries, do you want to watch something?"

Harry smiles, "I'd love to!"

"Good, cuz we never finished White Chicks."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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