My Bad Days

27 2 7

I cry in silence to not show sadness

I laugh so it seems like the whole world could hear me

So it seems like I'm happy

I mask my feelings everywhere I go

Well, unless I'm in my room or in our bathroom

Why the bathroom you might be asking

Well, that's where I have my newest scars from

A pair of nail scissors to be exact

Putting the blade of the scissors to my skin

Dragging it along me arm or breast or even legs

Seeing the skin just open

The blood dripping downwards

Down to my hand stomach or foot

Down to the floor

All of these feelings running out with the blood

I sit down, feeling a little lightheaded

I go back into my room

Feeling numb

Like everything is going down the drain

I see my boyfriend is on the screen of my phone

"I'm back", I say with absolutely no life in my voice

He asks what happens and I say that it's nothing

He keeps insisting that I tell him so after a while, I do

I tell him what I did in the bathroom

The response I get back is: ''I knew it would happen. It's okay. Everyone relapses and that's fine. I do it too and you know that''

You might be wondering what I answer with


My answer was nothing

What did I do?

I started crying

I started bawling my eyes out

Every feeling I've ever felt tackles me to the ground

I feel everything getting distant

I'm not in control

Everything goes pitch black

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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