chapter one

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Deep in a dark forest far, far away from any town or road, Gokulived a simple life. Heatewhatever he wanted, slept whenever he wanted, and trained to become as strong as and as fast as can be .

His forest was full of beasts like -monkeys and dinosours and bears - but Goku was perhaps the wildest thing of them all.

On this morning, Goku rolled through the forest atop a thick log he'd just cut from a tree. the log was wider around than Goku was tall, but he had no trouble balancing on it as it zooned through the brush like a runaway wheel.

"Chee! Chee!' cried a monkey as Goku rushed by: 

finishing the chapter at 4:30 EDT time have a good day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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