A New Beginning

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As I sat up in my bed I hread my dad calling for me. 'Noah hurry up we need to get you ready for school!' He yelled. 'Coming dad!' I yelled back with a sigh. I walked over to my closest, quickly put on my school uniform, and I tied you hair back in a    braid. I walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen I passed by a picture of me, my mom and dad. I turned by to it gently placed a hand on the picture. 'I- miss you mom..' I siad to myself. I turned heading back to the kitchen, my father was setting the table. He looked over me 'good morning Noah.'.  He said with a happy tone. 'Morning dad.' I replied. Both me and my dad had eggs, toast and bacon. After we had breakfast I headed to the bus stop. When I got there I was met the a girl with dark brown skin with bright pink hair. She turned and waved to me. 'Hello!' She said in a excited tone. 'Um h-hello..?' I was trying not to sound nervous. 'I'm Pixie, Pixie northcraft!' She said beaming with joy. 'I'm Noah, Noah Greek.' I said back. After 5 minutes the bus came to pick us up. We both got on and sat down. We where finally at school we all headed to class, I was the last one there seeing how I was new to this school. 'Hello everyone.' A man with sand colored hair said to his class. 'Today we have a new student, please treat him nice.'. I walked in and stood next to the teacher. 'Everyone this is Noah Greek, he was transferred to our school two weeks ago before school.' He said in a calm tone. 'Now please sit next to Trevor Stone, please  raise your hand Trevor'. A boy with  pale red hair with a white streak. I walk over and sat down next to him. The teacher who's name is Mr.Dalta, had the students say their name and a bit about themselves. I didn't pay much attention to them. But, when Trevor introduced himself I played attention to every single word he said.  2 hours latter class was dismissed. This was a new beginning.

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