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Tw: Y/N and STEP bro

Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm 2'4 and have purple, violet, indigo, pukeyellow, blue, brown, red orbs and long blonde hair that reaches the floor and beyond. Some might even say that it reaches the gates of Hell itself UWU. This morning, I woke up with my hair all over the place; though when I stepped out of bed it was perfect and I didn't need to brush my Rapunzel long hair. I looked into my pearly mirror that hung over my bed. My skin was glowing like radiation , no acne or acne scars; only the regret of my parents as my orbs shimmied with the morning sun double d cup tits. Why must I be so ugly pleading_facepleading_facepleading_facepleading_facesmirksmirksmirkjapanese_ogrejapanese_ogrejapanese_ogrejapanese_ogrejapanese_ogrejapanese_ogrejapanese_ogre. I crawled out of bed and immediately put on my converse. That's all I'm wearing today. Suddenly my sassy stEP bRo barged through my rosewood doot. His blue, brown, golden orbs shun like my glowing fake personality and his abs were like stale waffles. He had the body of a Greek god, or a teenager....I didn't have my glasses on. He was about 15'16 and was jacked, not fit that was his name. Jacked. He had double h cup man boobs and thick ass arms. His skin was a glowing Shrek green, he may have actually been Shrek...I'm not so sure. "StEp bRoOoooOo, what are you doing hereeeee????" I questioned and exclaimed at the same time. "Where were you at the movie thingy???" He growled. His was as high as a teletubby....there's just something so attractive about that. He stared at me and I couldn't breathe! It's almost as if I forgot my inhaler. Fuck-
Pt. 2 coming soon!!!

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