ass ass in ating

6 0 15

xinny th pooh woke up and had explosive fart diarrhea on the toilet

then he mixed it up into soup 

and poured it on his starlight cheerios cuz he couldnt find milk in his refrigerator 

he got kinda mad cuz he spilled it on his favorite suit

then he want to grab some puthay with biden cuz despite waht they say to each other during conferences we all know they secretly love each other and go to president prom every saturday


so so

xinny then gets up and gets his 2nd favorite suit and goes to wake up his hot daughter who i definitely dont have a crush on 

then they have back to the future time machine 


u think i was gona say seggs naw hoe thats incest 🤭🤭🤭

he then goes to see his plastic surgeon so his face can be turned into a one way 

"i can convey any emotion with  one facial expression try me hoe"


after this he flies on his magic red commie carpet to the government building (idk what its called bish) and he starts a long day of paperwork and other shiz 

passing new execu- i mean

i mean uh making china better, ah, what a wonderful leader u are xinny i hope nothing ever changes

14 years later

doododoododoooodoooooooooooo dadoooo dooadooodadooo dooodoooo

breaking news

xinny is dead at age 83 from choking on too much plastic surgery in his neck 

the end

xinny the poohWhere stories live. Discover now