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The days of summer vacation had seemed to pass rather quickly. June and July were nothing but blurs in the eyes of many, filled with partying or family get-togethers over irrelevant holidays or drunken impulses. As the month of August slowly began to wind down and the mornings started off colder each time the sun would touch the horizon, the dorms at Marley University continued to grow more full. Students from last year move back into the rooms they inhabited three months ago, where other rooms remain barren until moved in by an incoming freshman. The large campus was able to accommodate a diverse student body, from athletes who only attended for a degree, to those who plan on making a difference in their chosen field. Educators, artists, technologists, doctors, athletes, entrepreneurs; everyone can find their passion when they attend Marley University. At least, that is what its motto reads.

September starts the first semester of college off for many freshmen, Reiner Braun being one of the hundreds. His room lands on the second floor of the left dorm building, the right being for the women that attend the school. Looking up at the brightly painted brick walls of the small space, the blonde inhales through his nose for a moment before letting the breath slip past his lips in a silent sigh. The suitcase he had been holding with his left hand hit the thinly lined carpet with a hefty thump, the relief on his arm combined with the whirlwind of emotions was almost enough to make him dizzy. His amber eyes glance over to the bed on the right side of the room. The corners of his lips curve up as he tosses his half packed overnight bag and another suitcase onto the bare mattress. This was now his bed. The very one he would be sleeping on for the next nine months.

A sound at the door pulls him from his thoughts. The sound of an all too familiar voice brings an even larger smile to his face. "Reiner! Glad to see you made it here okay."

"You too, Bertholdt," his voice is only slightly deeper than what it was in high school. The two had only been separated for a little over two weeks, as they had spent a week in August at the black-haired boy's house for the blonde's birthday. Reiner brought over video games and chaos, his mischievous nature inevitably infecting the taller of the two. Thankfully, they had both been accepted into Marley. Once the news was found out, they immediately sought to be roommates. Not only had they been friends through high school, but through grade school as well.

Their voices fell hushed as they clasped hands before bringing their bodies closer, patting one another on the back. Already the room began to feel more like home. Though its walls were still naked and prison-like, the air felt warmer as they began to converse as friends. Bertholdt got to work right away, opening his suitcase after tossing it up onto the high bed. Reiner slowly began to do the same. By the looks of it, the taller had more packed, as he had four bags. He himself only had three, and one of them was nearly empty.

Hours had slowly passed since they had arrived in the dorm room. The two of them had their beds made, their clothes put away, and the room mildly decorated. As they walked along the ground, the space they filled began to smell less like faint cleaning products and more like the two of them. Bertholdt's side of the wardrobe smelled like a new book; as if this was quite literally a new chapter for him. The scent was welcoming and made his side look comfortable. Light blue pillow cases matched, yet satisfyingly contrasted, a sharp cobalt blanket. Despite its cool color, it looked warm. The desk at the foot of his bed was littered with small knick knacks, a trophy or two, and some class textbooks, some of them familiar to Reiner. A small LED lamp rested on the corner, shining a golden hue over the wall and ceiling. It looked like his room back at home.

Reiner's was different. The drastic difference was nearly comical. Looking at his friend's space, he turned his head to look at his side and allowed his smile to falter for a moment. There had not been much to unpack aside from clothes, bedspread, and the agonizingly heavy textbooks. He did, in fact, keep two football jerseys hanging on his wall. Both of them said "BRAUN 104," though one was bright red, and the other was slightly smaller and a pale blue. His freshman and senior year jerseys. There was little to no decoration besides those and his bed, which was a rusty hue covered in the large throw blanket. He had brought very little to show off his home life, or lack thereof. The sports apparel represents the dedication to his sport and the loyalty to his team.

In fact, that was the entire reason he got into Marley. Focussing and being passionate about a sport did him so much better than he could have ever hoped. Braun was soon the name found on his jerseys going all the way back to sixth grade, when the sport was offered for more dedicated players. He remembers playing games similar to football in elementary, but learned very quickly that the loose ruled games did him no good. Not being able to get into the game and do things the way he saw people play on TV was frustrating, but it was probably for the best. Injuring himself, or someone else, early on would have hindered the career he planned on making out of this.

With the sun just having finally hit the horizon, their Sunday afternoon was slowly coming to an end. He glances over at Bertholdt after hopping into his bed, kicking his tennis shoes off so they fall lazily to the floor. "What's your schedule look like for tomorrow?"

Looking down at his phone, the black haired boy hums for a moment, trying to search for where he had saved his classes. "I have chemistry with Mx. Zoë at 10 to 11:30 AM, and then I have business management with Mr. Smith at 1 to 2 PM. That's it, apparently. You?"

Reiner perked up. "I also have business management tomorrow." There was a pause. "I also have sculpture tomorrow, 2:30 to 4? And then sociology I 5 to 6." He furrows his brows while looking down at the phone screen held in his palm. There was no real reason as to why that should have surprised him. He did take the art class on purpose, thinking it could be more enjoyable than others, comparatively. It was just another elective, something he did not need to graduate, but would help him fill time and explore new things.

With their schedules sorted for the next day, the two engaged in casual conversation, speaking only every once in a while. There was not much to discuss at the time, as the sun had fallen to dim the room, and the exhaustion of the day's events began to weigh on them. A goodnight was exchanged as Bertholdt clicked off the LED lamp, the room slipping to a cool darkness that sent chills down his muscular arms. College is bound to be complicated, Reiner thought finally to himself while resting his head against his pillow.

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