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Author's Note:
Have I already published this once? Yes. I was feeling generous for my Eren lovers though and finally starting writing a part two. As I read back through part one, I felt like there were some details that just needed to be included; example eren's tattoo's. Everything remains mostly the same, but if you have read it I highly encourage you to read it again. Things have been added, and I feel like now it fits my style of writing more. Oh, and part two will be up tomorrow. Love you, besties.


You glance up at the clock and notice the little hands have barely moved since the last time you looked. Sighing, you turn your attention back to the list of closing tasks that still needed to be finished before you could leave for the night. You walk out onto the sales floor and headed in the direction of the women's clothes. It was always the last area you left to clean on your list because you could spend extra time looking through all the newer items.

While your hands sift through a rack of sweaters, making sure the size labels are in the correct order, you spot a dress towards the back. You pull it off the rack and hold it up in front of you. The emerald green color was so different from anything else you had in the store, and the tiny gold flakes that shimmer in the lights only made it that more beautiful.

Your feet move quickly to one of the pillars with mirrors situated in the middle of the section. Holding the dress up to your body, your mind starts to imagine all of the things you could do in it. It would be the perfect dress for a fancy date night, if you could get a man to stay interested in you longer than the first hookup.

The sleek fabric would look amazing on your curves. Your father would lose his shit if he saw how short it was, but that was the least of your worries as your eyes found the low neckline. You could just picture how great your breasts would look in it.

"You would look sexy in that."

The deep voice frightens you, causing you to drop the dress onto the floor as a yelp leaves your mouth. You spin around to find your shift manager, Eren, standing there with his usual cocky grin plastered on his face.

"Damnit, Eren," you say furiously. "You could have at least said you were coming up behind me or something!"

He shrugs his shoulders. "I was too busy staring at you in the mirror."

You turn away from him as you feel yourself start blushing. Just the thought that Eren had actually been checking you out in the mirror has your heart pounding. You force yourself to take a deep breath, trying your best to not look as flustered as you felt.

"Whatever, 'Ren," you roll your eyes, pretending to be annoyed at his comment. You bend down to grab the dress from the floor, turning to face him as you stand back up.

"I'm dead serious, YN," he argues. "You would look fucking hot in that dress."

You were used to Eren's normal flirty compliments when the two of you worked a shift together, but they never came close to this. This kind of compliment made the hairs on your arms stand up pin straight. The air in the store suddenly felt thick as you tried to maintain your composure.

"Oh shut up," you push past him, desperately trying to find the rack the dress belongs to. "Aren't you supposed to be counting down the registers, or I don't know, something that managers do?"

He cocks his head to the side, putting his neck tattoo on full display. The large key adorned with tiny flowers sporadically placed along it started at the back of his ear and went to the base of his neck. He had told you once that the key was in remembrance of his father, and the flowers are the same ones that grew in a meadow by his childhood home. It was easily one of your favorite pieces that you could see, even though his long hair kept it hidden.

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