A Winter Day: Emsemble Stars

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A Winter Day: Ritsu x Mao
Requested by a friend

It was a Sunday morning. The pair was off from school for winter break, Mao spent the night at Ritsu's after they had previously hung all day the day before.

Mao had woken up before Ritsu deciding to make breakfast for them both. He didn't know when Ritsu would wake up, after all he's practically asleep 24/7. Getting up to freshen himself before he heads to the kitchen, Mao looked at the clock.

11:34 AM

It was late but they had no plans for the day considering how late they were up, after he freshened up Mao went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. Caught up in his own little world while he focused on making sure everything was cooked properly he didn't notice the bedroom door opening.

Ritsu had woken up at the smell of food, walking towards the kitchen while rubbing his eyes he could only think about the breakfast that was being made, also the fact that Mao was cooking for him in his kitchen.

Entering the kitchen Ritsu immediately noticed Mao at the stove frying some eggs. He made his way over to Mao and wrapped his arms around his waist putting his head in the crook of his neck. Mao was startled at first but then smiled and patted Ritsu's head.

"Finally up sleeping beauty?" Mao asked in a teasing voice, Ritsu hummed in response.

"The smell of your delicious food woke me up, and so did the thought of you cooking for us." Ritsu replied in his morning voice. Mao just chuckled and turned off the stove. Breakfast had been ready.

"Breakfast is ready, mind helping me set the table?" Mao asked while putting the food in dishes.

"Considering how you made such a tasty meal for us and how handsome you look right now I'll gladly do so." Mao's face flushed lightly at the compliment from his boyfriend. Ritsu smiled and gave Mao a peck on the cheek before heading off and setting the table, leaving Mao flustered in the kitchen.

"He'll be the death of me." Mao thought with a sigh while trying to calm his heart.

After several minutes Ritsu went back to the kitchen to tell Mao he had set the table, with a nod Mao started gathering the dishes to take to the table with Ritsu helping him. They sat down across from each other and started filling their plates.

"Open wide~" Ritsu had said while bringing a spoonful of rice to Mao's mouth. Mao couldn't stop the smile and blush that formed on his face while complying with Ritsu's order. The pair had continued like this while talking and laughing about numerous things.

1:29 PM

The two had finished eating and cleaned everything up. They were now sitting in the living room on the sofa cuddled up together watching a terrible rom com. Mao was laying on the sofa while Ritsu was on top of him and the two hugged each other with a blanket covering them. Mao looked out the window after noticing a blur of white falling from the corner of his eyes.

"It's snowing." Ritsu looked at Mao then out the window.

"It really is..." Mao looked at Ritsu who was now ready to go back to sleep.

"Sleepy?" Ritsu hummed in reply,

"Mm with how things are right now I can sleep for eternity, me, you, the snow and this peaceful warmth surrounding us." This time Mao hummed in response and kissed Ritsu's forehead causing him to blush and close his eyes.

"I can get with that." Mao replied, however Ritsu had fallen asleep and snuggled against Mao. Mao looked at Ritsu fondly and looked back at the tv enjoying the loving atmosphere surrounding them both. It was a peaceful winter day filled with love.

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