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Luz POV:

"Cariño, get downstairs or you're going to be late!" My mama yelled from the kitchen. I wasn't really planning on missing the bus either so I hurried down the stairs. I was going down the steps two at a time and on the last step, I tripped. "Luz, are you okay honey?" My mama exclaimed, rushing over to me. "I'm fine Mama, just a little fall." I said, smiling. I landed right on my side which was now starting to tingle, but I couldn't contain my excitement. I stood up, straightened out my clothes, (which were a purple and white top with Jorts and leggings beneath them), and grabbed onto my backpack.

I looked towards the kitchen table to see some pancakes and sausage. Mama had already started to the fridge to get me some juice, but I was too excited to eat. As soon as I reached the table, I shoved food into my mouth. "Luz calm down honey you're going to choke!" My mama was looking at me with concern. "Okay okay, sorry, I just can't wait to get to school! First day in a new school, let alone Middle School, is very nerve-racking yet thrilling!" I announced, my leg bouncing up and down under the table. "Its okay honey, I'm glad you're excited. Now, you have 7 minutes to finish your breakfast and head to the bus stop, kay?" I nodded as I cut a pancake and placed it into my mouth. My feet practically sprung into action as soon as I was done chugging the glass of orange juice in front of me. I looked down at my watch to notice the time, 7:29. "Ah crap I gotta go!" I whispered under my breath. My backpack practically flew upwards as I grabbed it and headed for the door. "Adios Mama, I'm heading out!" I yelled right as I opened the door handle.

I looked both ways before spotting the stop sign I was supposed to wait at.. ALONG WITH THE BUS LOADING KIDS ON IT RIGHT NOW! My legs carried me fast as I held onto the straps of my backpack. I made it to the buses door, right before the last person in line got on. I was holding back my labored breathing, pretending I didn't just almost miss the bus on the first day. "Good morning Miss...." I looked around to see her name above the windshield, "Johnson!" I said cheerfully as I glanced to find a seat. The bus was filled to the brim, some kids even three to a seat, but there was one seat with only 1 kid. "Hi, I'm Luz, can I sit here?" I asked to someone sitting by themselves. She turned towards me, black shoulder length hair, round glasses, pretty green dress. "Uh yeah sure, I'm Willow!" She said in an almost surprised tone.

"Nice to meet cha' Willow!" I exclaimed, with a big grin on my face. I've only been here for a minute and I've already found a potential friend! She turned back to the window, but this time with a small smile on her face. I turned towards the aisle to look around and noticed a few kids looking at me. Some were confused, others were hateful. I faced the back of the seat in front of me, wondering what those stares were about. Then I heard whispers. "That new kid is sitting with Weirdo Willow." Weirdo Willow? Do they mean the nice girl next to me? I contemplated moving for a second, but then shrugged because Willow seemed like a cool enough person. I now wonder how nice this new school will be...

Word Count: 608

Friendship (A Lumity Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن