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name : trenchcoat
gender : girl
sexuality : aroace
pronouns : they / them
age : 12

trenchcoat is a hybrid of a human and a snail. their abilities are more defensive so they carry around a small knife ( like one of those tiny knives that you'd cut small fruit with ). their abilities include being able to curl up into the shell on their back and a small layer of residue on their feet. when it rains, however, is when it really shows it's advantage. when it starts to rain or they ' re in a moist environment in general, the residue is very slippery. they use the slippery footing to quickly run ( or slide ) out of a situation. sometimes, if you look carefully on a rainy day, you can see them "skating", like a child wearing socks on a smooth, hard floor. they don't know about their gender or sexual identity, not knowing that there are other options yet, assumes that they're straight.

this character is an aroace minor. do not sexualize / romanticize them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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