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Back in 2003, A woman and man had a child, his name was [REDACTED] He lived a normal life, until he hit 7, He was beginning to be bullied by some of his peers "Trixy", "Rachel" and another peer named "Damien", his break times and lunch, besides the occasional name calling, there was nothing wrong with him, It was nothing bad enough to go too far into..
That was, until he was 11.
His bullies decided to come pay him a visit, they went down to his primary school, just as he left, they grabbed him by the hood..
"H-Hey! Get the hell off me!" He yelled at the group.
"Why should we, Damn freak!" The older boy yelled at him, Spinning the scared student around by his hood.
"GET THE-" The scared boy yelled, being punched by Trixy, the strongest in the trio.
The boy began to cry, he watched as Rachel drew out something he couldn't make out, before he was hit off of the wall by the gate, knocking him clean out..
The next day he woke, to a light.. trickle... he looked down at his arm, noticing a long, seemingly fresh cut going from his elbow to just before his wrist, He screamed, panicking, He was sat in a pool of his own blood, he pulled himself together, pulling himself up off of the ground, he pulled out his old, cracked phone and called an ambulance.
After a few minutes, the ambulance arrived, taking the injured boy aboard their van, they sat him down, questioning him on what happened.
"So, mind explaining how you got this young man?" The doctor asked, curious and confused.
"I can't remember, Miss.Ann.. All I know is that the wall behind me was slightly cracked.." He said, wincing from the agony of his cut.
"Well, From that I can assume you were hit in the head.." The nurse stated, applying some bandages and disinfectant to the wound until they reached the hospital. In which the Nurse wandered off with a male doctor, as [REDACTED]
was taken into the ER.

Next thing he knew, he was awake, stitches and bandages polluting his arm.. He grabbed his hoodie from the side, little resistance from the doctors, he put on his hoodie, darting out, and home. On his way, He took his phone out of his pocket, opening the camera to check how he looked.. He looked much older, and taller, he was confused and walked home, concerned for himself, how long was he even asleep? He relaxed, after walking for ages. Around 3 hours later he reached his home, only to notice his whole home ablaze, the screams of his mother piercing his ears. He took out his phone, looking up at the building, seeing a hand hit the window, he screamed, dropping his phone, the screen shattering on the cold, hard rock. The sound of glass shattering ringing through his ears. He ran off, traumatized, tears flowing down his face, he knew where Trixy lived and knew what he had to do. He walked there, clenching his fists so hard that his nails began to tear his flesh, causing him to bleed lightly from a few tiny holes in his skin, He ever so slowly felt his anger build, he arrived at her home, grabbing a rock from the ground below, tossing it through her window, Jumping onto the window ledge, climbing up the guttering to the window, hopping in.
He noticed deep, green hoodie, he tossed off his light blue hoodie, putting on the girls' hoodie, it was a bit big but... perfect.. he went down to her kitchen, grabbing a convenient kitchen knife from the edge, Dashing back to her room and leaping out of her window, landing on some rubbish bags, only to see her outside. They stared at eachother.
"What.. I thought we got rid of you.."
The girl said, staring in horror.
"Whelp.. you were wrong." He got up, approaching, The girl stepped back, tripping on a rock, hitting her head off of the floor, knocking her unconscious. He approached the asleep girl. "Y'know.. Karma's a fucking bitch!" He said, plunging the knife into her eye socket, piercing her brain, one instant death attack.. He ripped out the blade, running off, until the other two [Rachel and Damien] Saw him, dashing after him, He ran as fast as he could, towards the quarries, a large, forest area, running away as fast as possible, He looked at the people chasing him turning back, then tripping, smashing his head on a rock, the last thing he heard, the rock shattering, as he drifted off to sleep..

He eventually woke up to the taste of blood in his mouth, he whined, slowly pulling himself up, feeling his face, feeling a deep hole, he was horrified that he was still alive, he grabbed the knife from the floor, dizzy, blood in his eye dis-allowing him to see from there. He walked onwards, barely walking straight from both shock and fear, eventually reaching a damp, damaged shack, he entered, staring into the mirror, he began to cry as to how horrible he looked, he placed his hand on the mirror, next thing he knew, everything was flipped, silent, he sat in a corner, noticing he wasn't bleeding, he smiled, curling up on the floor, falling asleep to the paused, silent world..

After.. god knows how long... He got up to a noise, the door in the silent realm, open, he got up looking in the mirror, seeing a masked girl in a grey hoodie and leggings, he remembered what he did before, and laughed to himself, the person approached the mirror, he touched the mirror, exiting the realm.
"BOO!" he yelled at the person, grinning.

To be continued in: Shadow

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