A Night at The Gas Station

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The outskirts are home to the poorest people in Aster City. The neighborhood Davis is predominantly made of stray black cats, El Burro Heights is predominantly made of donkeys, and the small town of Slaughter is predominantly made of mice.

Old Man Winchester enters the gas station.

Behind the counter of the gas station is a grey-furred mouse, wearing a grey sweater and black suit jacket, his brown eyes focused on his DreamCorp cellphone with a white case. The jingle of the front door's bell causes Diego Riviera to look up and put his cellphone in the pocket of his jeans.

Diego says, "Hey, Old Man Winchester. Welcome back."

Old Man Winchester is a copper-ish and white dog with floppy ears. He has one brown eye and one cloudy eye. He wear a big, floppy, straw hat and blue, stained, overalls

Old Man Winchester says, "Those weird things enter the gas station yet? I want to talk to you without the eyes and ears of Darkwoods on us."

"Luckily, nothing creepy has entered the gas station today," Diego says, then gestures for Old Man Winchester to approach the counter.

Old Man Winchester gets closer and says, "You know what that back-stabbing fuckwit that runs the casino not far from here was doing?"

"Mmmhmm," Diego says with a small nod. Old Man Winchester was talking about Don Riviera, the grey mouse that is the owner of the Diamond Casino and Resort that's nine kilometers north of the gas station, also Diego's father but Diego hadn't the heart to tell Old Man Winchester yet.

Old Man Winchester says, "That fucker banned me from the casino because I asked for my share of the money! I fucking helped him start that shit hole and now I live in the cabin in the woods with all the creepy shit going on all the time..."

Old Man Winchster looks over to the door then asks, "You hear that?"

Diego holds his breath and keeps his big mouse ears out for any sounds, leaning over the counter to hear over by the door. There's the sound of a child giggling in the distance.

Old Man Winchester says, "Oh dear God, it's those creepy children again."

Diego looks worried with a furrowed brow and a frown on his face as he complains, "Ohhh why don't they go somewhere else?"

Old Man Winchester says, "Normally I'd scare them away with my shotgun but since I'm not allowed to bring a gun in here, I guess this will have to do." Old Man Winchster grabs a broom.

The children enter the gas station and immediately begin playing and stealing candy, the children are all human but wear animal masks.

Diego Riviera says to Old Man Winchester, "Please shoo them out!"

Old Man Winchester immediately starts sweeping them out, they drop their candy and run away while giggling and teasing the two older-ish men

Old Man Winchester starts putting away the candy and says, "I'm sorry you have to put up with this weirdness, but at least you have a home to go to without this nonsense, right?"

"I live in the town of Slaughter right between Aster City and Darkwoods with my dad who's never home. It's like the gas station except without anybody coming to purchase gas," Diego responds.

Old Man Winchester says, "Oh...Well at least the Beef Jerky Beast isn't here. Those are even worse than the creepy children."

Diego says, "He eats a ton of beef jerky that I can't charge him for and he looks so scary."

Old Man Winchester adds, "And they drink all the beer."

Old Man Winchester says, "Of which." Winchester gets a big pack of beer, puts it on the counter, "I'll be buying."

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