Chapter 1

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9 years ago ...

"Master Fugaku!" Some of the Uchiha girls squeaked as Fugaku walked through the streets of the Uchiha compound. Life was always like this, girls are girls. It was the same as everyday, girls sqeauling and all over him as he walks through the Uchiha Compound.

"It's kind of boring isn't it?" Someone says as they appear to be on the opposite side of Fugaku. He jumps and it felt like he was loosing his breath. He looks and sees his friend Minato Namikaze.

"Damn you Namizake!" Fugaku shouts as he holds his heart to catch his breath. He lets out a boring sigh and looks back at his friend before walking again beside the Namikaze.

"What're you doing here in the first place?" Fugaku asks crossing his arms as he continues to walk through the street of the Uchiha Compound as girls just whisper around him. Minato shrugs and makes a face.

"I came to see you, but when I heard your fan girls squirming as it got closer to where I was I decided to scare you" Minato admits as he walks with his former friend.

"Whatever." Fugaku replies, they get confused when everyone started moving out of the way like a Prince or Princess was coming through. Turns out it was the heir or Uchiha Sasuke running to his dad with teary eyes. Behind him was Lady Kiyoko, his babysitter she was shouting out for Sasuke as he ran through the crowd and to his father.

"Paaa paaa!" Sasuke shouted as he reached his dad and hugged his leg tightly. Both Minato and Fugaku looked down at the kid and awww, he was such a daddy's kid.

"I'm so sorry Fugaku! He ran away and I was trying to catch him" Lady Kiyoko explained with honesty in her eyes.

"No worries, I could tell he would run away. Don't worry about him he's going to stay with me for the rest of the day" Fugaku added with a smile towards Kiyoko.

She sighs. "Well alright then, I'll leave then" Kiyoko adds with a bow before leaving. Fugaku sighed and crouched to pick his little Uchiha up into the arms.

"Why did you run away?" Fugaku asked as everyone started whispering about what just happened. Sasuke sniff as he looked to his dad. Fugaku couldn't stare at his child for another second, that face on his sons face made his heart break, he's sure it did the same thing to Minato, and he was right he turned and looked at Minato who was looking away from both him and Sasuke.

"I wanted you! And and" Sasuke got cut off by a hug from his dad as he placed him on his shoulders. Sasuke didn't say anything but tugged onto his shirt and slowly drifted off to sleep. Everyone then was already in there houses only leaving Minato, Fugaku, and Sasuke....

9 years later ...

Sasuke Uchiha was now a 17 year old boy, he grew over the years and slightly changed but he's still that little adorable and stubborn Sasuke. Sasuke was now in Tokyo, he had to go to Tokyo to get a job in order to help out with his father. 1 week ago he was accepted into the Legacy Company, owner Madara Uchiha. They had the same last name but weren't quite related.

Sasuke sighed as he stared at the tall building in front of him. An eight story company with big large letter in unique colors that read "Legacy". It sure was beautiful, but Sasuke was a nervous reck. He was to scared to walk in that he stalled by looking at the company's sign.

He hadn't been this nervous in his life before. I mean he got here 2 days go and thought he was going to be okay. But that didn't seem too right. Now he's sweating like the building was asking him the most absolutely disturbing question ever. But he doesn't want to be late. So he goes into the building. No one is particularly staring at him so that's good. He makes his way to the receptionist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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