Running Late

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I checked my watch for the hundredth time as I ran into the building and into the elevator. I had to make it to the recording studio for a job and I was already late. I just hoped this producer would be an understanding one.

When the elevator stopped at my floor, I tried speed walking down the hall to get to the studio. Once outside the door, I began to fan my face so the flush from rushing would go away. I took a deep breath and went inside.

The room was full of all kinds of people. Producers, sound guys musicians and backup singers. I waved at everyone and took my coat off as I made my apologies for being late. One of the backup singers had said it was fine because they were actually waiting on the main vocalist. I looked over and saw a guy with his hat cocked to the side and sunglasses on, louging in one of the chairs.

It looked as if he was asleep, but I was probably wrong.  He had dark, almost black hair, an angular face and the cutest heart shaped lips. As my eyes moved down his body, I noticed how built he was. He was wearing a hoodie and cargo shorts. He thick thighs caught my eye and I bit my lip. I just wished I could see his eyes. I smiled as I watched him. His milky, Asian skin looked like it would be extremely soft to touch. I felt myself giggle. Then he grinned at me. 

He crossed his arms and legs and I suddenly felt like I had been caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. I flinched and turned my head away from him quickly. After a few seconds, I felt like now, he was staring at me. I took a chance and glanced back at him.

He had the nerve to smirk at me! My mouth dropped open slightly and I looked away. I could have sworn I heard him chuckle at my behavior. I knew he was still watching, so I turned my head back and stuck my tongue out at him. Well, all that did was make him laugh even harder. I decided to ignore him and talk to the other girls there who were backup singers, like me.

About 10 or so minutes later the door crashed open and the so-called star had finally showed up. The girls and I collectively rolled our eyes. I'll admit that hear voice was decent but she was not. She had the personality of a soggy noodle and this attitude like she was the next big deal and we should all be thanking her for letting us be in her presence. When what she really needed, was a hard slap into reality.

She barged in making an obnoxious entrance announcing that she had arrived and the party could start. She looked around asking who the producer was here and was probably  curious as to why he wasn't bowing down and kissing her feet that very second for bothering to show up.

The dude in the hat and sunglasses stood up and I got to have a better look at his build. The hoodie he was wearing, accentuated his broad shoulders and thick arms. The cargo shorts allowed me to get a very good look at his sculptured legs. He was also wearing  what looked to be, a brand new pair of sneakers. He had a couple of chains around his neck and pierced ears. And he was tall. Damn, he looked good!

He started walking towards our star and she seemed to get all excited. I watched in disgust knowing what was coming but for a change, he totally surprised me! He removed the glasses and his eyes were squinted.

"Are you the spoiled brat that I just waste half a day waiting on? Do you see all these people? They have lives of their own and don't appreciate you making them wait just because you feel like being late. Now... let's get to work!"

He looked her up and down with a disgusted face then turned back around and walked back to his chair. On the way back, he managed to glance over at me and gave me a wink. My face instantly heated up and I rushed into the other room to set up with the girls trying to avoid his stares.

The man was too damn hot. I couldn't deal. I took the sheet music from the stand and made sure I was semi hidden as I fanned myself with it. One of the girls asked if I was ok and I lied and said I had felt a hot flash coming on. She just gave me a weird look and turned away. While everyone was setting up, he decided to address us over the speaker. His voice was sinful. It was deep and silky. It was the kind of voice that could burn away any woman's panties and turn her into a puddle and at that moment, I felt like I was melting.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Jooheon or Joohoney and I'm the writer and producer for the song we are about to record. I'm actually from Korea and have written several Kpop songs. So... I hope we can all do a great job and work hard together to make this an awesome experience." We all clapped and walked back into the other room.

The girls and I got comfortable sitting on the couch waiting for our turn to lay down vocals. I don't know why but I still felt like he was watching me even though I knew he was busy doing other things. Our Diva, was in the recording room with the headphones around her neck waiting for her cue. Joohoney gave her some basic direction for the song and she nodded.

The track was amazing. It had a really smooth R&B vibe to it with a hint of funk. I found myself really getting into it. As the girls and I practiced softly, Miss Diva tried to do her best but after more than 8 takes, she just couldn't seem to get how our producer wanted it done. I smirked and shook my head.

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