The sweet boy Chapter uno

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Strolling in the park admiring the beautiful trees and flowers blooming in different colours. She crosses a wooden bridge as she sets her gaze on the view, a majestic scenery of the petals falling and the reflection of the trees in the river .She bumps into a boy who looks like his in his teens who  rush and gets up to help her,

(A) Sorry miss, may I help you walk to the other side of the bridge.

(I) Yes, please, if you can.

He makes her sit on the benches, him feeling bad enough cause he accidentally pushed a bit too hard, causing her to have deep cuts on  both of her knees. He feels bad and runs to the shops to find alcohol and a first aid kit.he finds the first aid kit and pays for it, he gives it to the girl & runs again to the alcohol  store to find pure rubbing alcohol.with a sign of relief washes over him he opens the rubbing alcohol and pour it over the wound making the girl flinch in pain.He sterilised the wound and bandage it up and  repeated it again on the other knee. She thanks him, he says "why thank me if I caused this accident".

She says, "You're a sweet, intelligent teenager who has the knowledge of a doctor, plus you knew what to do and rushed to my aid at once.

(A) I am at your service, my lady & and you're welcome, I shall help you whenever you're in need. By the way my name is Axel.

(I) and once again thank you for helping me with all this Axel, my name is Iris.

(I) well my fellow gentlemen we shall meet again, soon.

(A) I shall wait till the day. Mistress. *bows*

They both start laughing at the whole lady and gentleman act and help each other to get up .

Iris and Axel go together to the ice cream parlour so that Axel can repay his debt, he then asks iris what's her favourite ice cream is

(I) my favourite is salted caramel.

(A talks to the cashier)

(A) can I get two scoops of salted caramel pleas⁰

(I) Axel no, why, why are you wasting your money.

(A) cause i can my lady

(I) then I can do the same. She said with a mischievous grin.

(m talking to cashier) Hi can I get a coffee and chocolate ice cream in a cup like mine.

(cashier) yes madam, anything else

(both) no, thank you

(both) jinx

(both) double jinx.

They sit in the corner of the shop all the way at the back, when the desserts came Axel then asked how did you know what ice cream i like

Iris then replied i saw you eyeing at the ice cream and thought you would like it

They ended up laughing, chatting and laughing filling up the air in the empty ice cream parlour. They invited the owner of the ice cream parlour cause he looked sad by himself but he denied the friendly invitation.

They asked him if they could help him close up shop so they did after closing the main door and locking it he then thought how nice it is to see 2 teenages being themself and helping a stranger.

(I) Hey Axel, don't you think is getting quite late and walking alone at night is not a good idea

(A) you're right let me get a taxi for us

(I) ok

The taxi arrives 5 minutes later

Taxi driver) Hi, where shall i drop you off too

(I) where shall we go I don't know where you live

(A) i live in 103 ghost lane hear mcdonald's

(I) i live near there to

(A) Hi can you drop us off hear mcdonald's please

(Taxi driver) that would be 10 minutes away

(both) oh ok

He starts the car and takes a left then a straight by the traffic light then a right and another 2 right

(Taxi driver) here you are mcdonald's is on your left
(A) how much

(Tax) £10.50p

(I) here you go

(A) he rolls his eyes

(I) hehehe…

(A) so which way are you going

(I) am going right, behind mcdonald

(A) oh well am going left

(A) why are you going behind mcdonald's it's not safe

(I) but it's faster than the other way

(A) ok then I shall accompany you so you get home safe cause it’s  not a good place

(I) oh thank you

(A) your welcome

They set off to Iris's place and they start talking about high school.

(I) which high school did you go to.

(A) I  went to  hogwarts

(I) ok lol to learn magic

(A) oo close, I am studying something close to magic which was science

(I) which subject in science,

(A) physics, am currently studying motor vehicles at college and so  I can do mechanics in University, enough about me and what about you.

(I) I went to BGHS to study Btec art and design so that now I can study level 1, 2 and 3 in art in college so that i can do the interior design course in university

(A) oooo nice, once I am old enough I will ask you to design my house and the interior too.

(I) you will be my first customer

(A) oh ok  then it will be free for me right

(I) of course.

(A) really, that awesome,

She chuckles at his  enthusiasm to her answer

He catches a glimpse of her chunkerling at him, making him feel fuzzy inside, a warm bubbly feeling, which also makes him glow a crimson red and that he is trying to hide, making her laugh harder. The current state of this poor fellow is a  hot mess .

(I) by the way we have reached to my house

(A) damn that was faster than I thought.

(I) oh yeah Axel thank you for today and what you did for me

(A) it's my pleasure *he bows*

(A) I shall take my leave, my lady, I got you safe and sound.

(I) you may take your leave and thank you

(A) your welcome, goodnight, Iris

(I) goodnight Axel

turns his back and starts to walk away
Why does it hurt to see him leave? It felt like I was saying goodbye to someone who I would never see again even though I met him only today.

what do I feel like this is it love or a slight crush or maybe both, I don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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