Chapter 1

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"Okay everypony, huddle up! I'm sure this time my portal will work!", Twilight assured her friends
She closed her eyes tight and and focused she tried to picture a portal to the Princesses castle in Canterlot but she kept thinking about hell, you see; all last night Twilight was reading about the afterlife and heaven and hell as she was going to a important business meeting with ponies across equestria next week and it was very much needed to know about where they stood, religious wise
She was just about to conjure the portal up when-
"OHHH LOOK A BUTTERFLY!",Pinkie Pie shouted
A large blast of pink covered the ponies and they could feel the floor erode away as if it were mud they felt hot suddenly, overly hot.. as they fell they saw flashes of red and black

Then they hit the ground
"OW!!" all six of the ponies screamed which certainly caused some commotion to the demons around the area
"Woah, are you ok?!" A woman with pale skin rosey cheeks and blonde hair asked
"I haven't seen this many sinners appear in hell at once since last year! I'm Charlie!"
"Uh, hello I'm Twilight Sparkle", The alicorn introduced herself "and these are my friends Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy"

"You look too nice to be here.. you should come with me"
"Wait what?-" Twilight was already behind most of her friends who were following the woman so she decided to catch up to them


They entered the red building
Twilight trembling wondering what terrible things this woman would do to them

"Welcome to.." Charlie started

"Get away from my friends or else!!" Magical sparks surrounded Twilight's horn as she glared at the pale demon

"Hey!! Back off!!" A gray woman who seemed to be a guard dressed in rags who was armed with a large thin spike

As tension rises in the air Charlie interrupted the death stare the gray woman and Twilight shared

"Vaggie! It's okay.. the new visitors must've been misguided like most who come down here! Plus I'm fairly sure she cant do anything to really harm me, I'm the princess of hell, after all!" Charlie reassured Vaggie

"Fine.."Vaggie reluctantly put her spear away still staring at Twilight in hatred

"The Princess of HELL?!" Twilight screamed "oh no nonononono!!!"

"Uhm.. Twilight what's hell?" Rainbow questioned

"We need to go! Now!!" Twilight tried to make another portal but it was no use as she fainted from exhaustion


"What is that?" A Deep voice echoed in Twilights ears

"They said they're ponies?? But.. how-" Vaggie started but Twilight woke up

"Wha- where..wher- am I?.." Twilight mumbled

"You're okay don't freak out!" Charlie quickly came to Twilight's aid

"Yeesh! It's awake!!" A dark cat with wings yelped

"Husker, my good man, that is no way to refer to a guest! " a scratchy voice called out

Twilight looked around "What is this place.. are you going to hurt us?!" Twilights eyes widened as she tried to run but realized she was too scared to do so

"No! Of course not!" Charlie said stunned

"What is that anyway? A horse?"

"Husker!! Did you not hear me! It's a pony! A weird pony!" Vaggie scoffed

"Awwwwww!!! It's purple!!" A large white man..woman? Twilight couldn't tell, stood looking at her with puppy dog eyes and a smile

"Let's not crowd our new guest! We haven't even formally introduced ourselves!" A red man said, "Ahem, hello Miss, what might your name be?"

"I'm.. Twilight, Twilight Sparkle.."

"Pleasure to be meeting you! My name is Alastor!"
The man said

"I'm Angeldust!" The white woma- man? Said?

"And that's Husker, he's not big on introductions" Vaggie pointed at Husker who was currently getting wasted near a bar

"Nice to meet you.. wait my friend- WHERES MY FRIENDS?!" Twilight screamed getting anxious

"They're okay! They're with Niffty!" Charlie said

"Who's Niffty?!" Twilight shrieked


"This is my bug collection! It's where I keep my friends!!!" 
A little demon said enthusiastically

"Oh! My gosh-" Fluttershy shuddered as Pinkie smiled nodding nervously

"Darling, I don't think.. those are..alive.." Rarity gagged as the tiny creature smiled now talking about what her favorite types of bugs were

"Ya think?" Applejack muttered trying not to keep eye contact with the tiny thing

"Your friends are over here!" Charlie said walking towards them "Niffty! You're scaring them!"

"Oh! Oops sorry!! I just got so distracted by my bugs, HEY!!!!" Niffty started talking but then she saw a rat near the entrance

"Guys your ok!!" Twilight smiled "let's go-"

"You can't!! Your horn it's.." Charlie shouted in concern

Twilight looked at her horn to see it was bleeding and burnt

"Oh my Celestia.." Twilight gasped "how.. this never.. but-"

"I think you might've traveled dimensions my dear! As we are in the human realm and you don't look any human to me!" Alastor chuckled lightly "while you were in your coma you mumbled something about an equestria? Is that where you're from?"

Twilight stood in shock not speaking so Rainbow spoke for her

"Yeah? What about it? And.. what's a human?!"

"You have much to learn my little pony but for now I believe you need to take care of your friend"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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