The basement door

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A/N : for the sake of the stories i will be writing it as if i was in , to be full aware i was not and i am making these up as i go, so its gonna be like a first person of a character sorry for  spelling errors I love when its pointed out so feel free.🫠


Me and my family moved into a new house in Ohio , I was not too happy about it I mean who would be, having to leave all your friends and everyone you knew it sucked. I was a little relieved though there were people there who I hated so getting out of the dump I was in was nice. The new house was great and we settled in quickly except when we first got there it felt off in some way i don't know why it just did, none of my family seemed bothered so I didn't think about it too much. A few days later i started to notice the basement door was always open even when I closed it , at night i would hear it open , I thought it was my parents reopening it to put some of the useless stuff down there , still it creeped me out so much so that I asked my parents for them to say that they aren't doing it. Damn now I had the hairs on the back off my neck stand , i tried to think of a reasonable answer saying it's probably just my younger sister trying to scare me for all the time's I scared her with jokes and stories yeah yeah that's it. For some reason this...this felt real like there was some kind of spirit or ghost doing it but now I am thinking crazy there is no such thing, i told myself only half way believing it. Eventually i went to sleep just to woke up at the same time as always 3:33, to hear the same sound but after I heard the basement door open i heard very loud slow stomping , it couldn't have been my sister she only 10 and couldn't have made such loud sounds also now that i think about it she was too scared to approach the basement even in the day, then the loud stomping came to a full stop right in front of my door then nothing , no stomping back down the stairs nothing eventually I fell asleep. The next day I had an idea , a bad idea... so when my parents went on a business trip and my little sister begged to go and was allowed I was left home alone..all be my self, but i quickly called over some of my new friends and they brought a ouija board. I know i sound dumb right ? You don't have to tell me but either way I was going to figure out what was in my house before I went to sleep tonight. When my friends showed up I wasted no time and we all gathered around the board, our hands on the plastic piece and I asked the first question. " is there a spirit here with us tonight " right pretty standard question as I was lost in my thoughts the piece started to move which snapped me out of my trance with goosebumps, as the planchette ( the plastic piece ) moved to yes...  I started to mentally panic everyone else seemed to be uneasy as well. Then I began to ask "are you here to hurt us" bad choice of words i stared at the board terrified of what it might say then the planchette started to move it moved back, as I started to feel relived it was cut short as it moved right back to yes and stopped on it.. Fuck I thought i'm going to die at 16 but I pushed all those feeling past and asked " why do you want to hurt us?" it took a couple seconds then it started to spell out, " because I don't want to stay locked up in the basement any longer." I paused and started to think is that why the basement door kept getting opened , did I anger the spirit , what exactly does it mean by that? All these questions running through my head as I looked up my friend Jamie(sorry if i have your name in here i'm making it up) was asking a question " how old are you?" she asked bluntly , slowly the planchette moved to 8 , I said to myself this spirit is young. Then my friend Clara began " are you a little girl?" an unnecessary question since I was still set on the we are going to die part, then it moved to yes so its a little girl that's going to kill us I thought still trying to get the thought of dying out my head. Then i started "did I anger you by closing the basement door?" slowly it moved to yes then I felt as if I needed to say sorry "I'm sorry do you accept my apology?" I said sincerely then the planchette moved to no I was horrified knowing that this won't be good then all of a sudden the lights were blinking then in a rush Clara asked the girl "what's going on?!" then the little girl started to spell out he's here. I was quick to ask "who's here?!" as Jamie wrote down the letters and spelled out papa's here and he's angry that i'm out of the basement. We were quick to run up the stairs and in my room, the whole house was shaking and blinking as I heard cabinet drawers in the kitchen slam open and closed as if the spirit was looking for something seconds went by and all of a sudden a loud sound of a shot gun being loaded and thuds of stomping around was heard. Then it stopped at my door we all hid but then blood curdling screams were heard they sounded just like Clara's and she was hiding in that heard a loud gun shot and a thud I looked over while still under the bed to see Clara on the floor facing me with her head blown . I couldn't believe what just happened I just moved here a month ago and I already got one of my friends killed, I looked over at Jamie who was also hiding under the bed terrified of what I just witnessed as a watched horror wash over Jamie's eyes. The loud stomping got closer and closer to the bed and stopped I hitched my breath...Then it walked away. Jamie and I ran to the door at the speed of light once we got to the front door it was locked even though it was locked from the inside we couldn't get it to stay unlocked. Then we heard the stomping once more we quickly hid in the living room I managed to hide under the sofa while Jamie hid behind it. Seconds later I heard Jamie scream and she got dragged off I didn't know where she went i could barely see much but I did hear a loud thud and muffled screams. When everything seemed to calm down a bit I went in search of Jamie I stumbled into the kitchen and spotted a wide open basement door I carefully peeked in and saw a gruesome image of what seemed to be....Jamie!? It looked like she was slung down the long narrow stairs and her skull was bashed into smithereens so it was hard to tell that it was her at first. It was a petrifying sence as i stood there frozen I began to hear the stomping in a panic I ran down the stairs horrified of what was going to happen to me, as I sat in the corner crying and thanking my parents for taking my sister with them I heard  a little girl crying and I knew it wasn't me because I had stopped. I was so distracted by the crying that I practically jumped out my skin when I heard the stomping coming down the stairs trying my best not to be heard , the spirit walked down the stairs and smashed up some of Jamie's skull and guts all of a sudden I was yanked up by my hair so hard I thought that half of it got ripped out. 

third person pov: Olivia , Jamie , and Clara were all found dead the next morning by Olivia's parents when they came home early. Unaware of what had happened the mom had went to Olivia's room to go check on her only to see Clara's dead body then a screams was let out by the younger sister when she looked down into the basement seeing gut's of what was soon studied to be Jamie's. But the worse of all the deaths was their daughter Olivia who had been cut up into a total of 134 pieces and bones licked clean in a cooler at the very edge of the basement.

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