The realization

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As always, I woke up from the alarm. I hate the start of the days.... All the time the same: you wake up from the most loud and squeeky sound that is getting right into your ear. I stood up from my soft bed and walked half-sleeping to the bathroom to splash water on my warm face. Not the best or the worst feeling, but after you feel fresh and ready to start your day. I went to my kitchen and started looking in the freezing  cold fridge, hoping to find something to make for breakfast. I found a soft pale green avocado.I thought for a second what to make out of it. "Oh! An avocado toast!"- I thought outloud. I found half a soft and crusty loaf of bread in the fridge. I put the piece of bread in to the toast, while I was taking out the seed of the avocado. I chopped the avocado into thin and decent-looking slices. The toasted crusty bread jumped out letting me jump, from unexcpectance. I took the slice of bread and put it on a china-plate, putting the avocado slices on it. I took a bite of that crunchy delicates which melted in my mouth. After I finished eating my 5-minute gourmet sandwich, I took my lunch box for my work and also my uniform. Then I started changing into my casual outfit: some sky-blue jeans with a skin-colour t-shirt and put a denim jacket on myself. Yeah, as you see, even though I am 21, I love science, but that doesn't mean that my style changed. It all started since grade 7. I loved my science teacher. She was explaining every detail percise, which made me motivated to learn science after school. 

I ran out of my apartment and was searching for the keys in my pocket. I found them. I took the silver-cold key and locked the main door. I looked at my smart watch. "Shoot"-I said "almost late to the bus!".I ran as fast as I could to the bus station. Luckily, I got right in time. In the bus, I was panting like a dog when it is hot and everyone gave me a weird glare. When I caught some breath, I found a seat and sat next to the window, to see the beautifull veiw of London. The sun was shining today, making the alsphalt warm . I took out the player out of my denim jacket's pocket and listened to some music. I scrolled and scrolled, untill I found a tune, that I used to listen in Kingston, my university. Memories where running through my head, as if they had a marathon. The good old times, as they say. I visualized the green counter tables with computers and microscopes that where lying on the table. The crystal-white walls where holding the emergency sinks, for not carefull students and also the white cupboards holding elements and gases e.t.c. I snapped out of my flashbacks, becuase the bus stop to my science lab was already waiting for me. I came out and scanned the building. Everything the same. Red-brick, huge walls with a huge and black label: BioScience innovation centre. Windows and a sculpture of a coat of arms was below that huge label. 

I opened the huge door and went in and rushed through the stairs to my office I was in front of a glass door I went through almost every day- my office. I sat down on my laptop just started checking out the news.... "yep,nothing interesting today"- I thought outloud, untill I saw my boss at the door of my office. "Come in"- I said with a neutral voice. My boss barged in and said - "come with me. Urgently" . As we ran out of the office, I was thinking what did I do. Will he fire me? Maybe he has something to show me that is important? I said in a worried tone- " sir, what did I do wrong?" . He didn't hear what I said so I started to panic what did I do, to make him so raging mad, that he doesn't reply to me? I was trying to remember what I was doing the other day, but nothing that I did was evil. I worked, did research on computer, and that's kind of it. He led me to the computer room, where there was info on each computer about each thing, that is happening to our universe. "here," - he said taking me to the space computer. " Look at this."- he said. I scanned all of the computer and understood what happened. 

"THE MAGNETIC POLE SWITCH?!"-I exclaimed in shock. "Yes" - murmed my boss in a worried tone. "What will we do now? I mean it was expected but-" I got interrupted by my college, Louise shouted out: "Sir, We did a quick research and now we know that the whole pole reversal will  happen at the end of the week!" "But it is Thursday!"-I exclaimed. "We do have time, but not enough, for making a huge bunker for at least 10% of the Earth's population!". The boss said: " We will have to work out a way, to save at least an amount of the population" "But sir Joshua, we don't even have time to dig out a hole for the bunker!"- I exclaimed. Everyone in the labarotory was shocked, and  I was worse than traumatized. If you don't know what a switch of magnetic poles is then let me explain it to you. It happens from nature and doesn't include any of our non-eco stuff. It occurs about each 700,000 years each time.. We are worried about it so much, because it will affect on the Earth's atmosphere, and if we won't have a protective atmosphere, then the sun radiation will spread to us and we will be fried, in  short terms: death. I am not really sure, because I had an experience as a scientist only 1 year plus university, but everyone can make mistakes, so......  

"We have to put the siren alarm on!"- Louise suggested. "Ok"- said Sir Joshua. We ran to the Emergency apartment and security asked: "Your ID card please". Sir Josua searched out his pockets and took out a white piece of cardboard in a plastic, shiny film. The security scanned his ID card and said: " You may go, sir" in a cold and serious tone. We entered the room, that I've never been in for the 1 year of my fabulous work. "Anna"- said sir Joshua. "yes?"- I replied in a rushed and worried tone "On your right, there is a red, glowing huge button with a glass protection"- said sir Joshua. My boss always relied on me because I was the youngest in our company and knew morethan other workers in here. Our  mini "Gang" was with Louise, me and Marco and Marlen. We where the most popular proffessors in our lab and company, because we where the smartest of all of my other colleges.We were all friends and had a good comunication with each other, which made it much easier to work. On my right, I saw a glowing, crimson-red sphere with a glass cover. Below, it had a label: emergency siren. On top it had a laptop, probably to select the sirens, there where a lot of them on the map. I pressed the crimson-red button and the computer had a notification on it. I said: Are you sure you would like to turn on sirens on all of the location? (United Kingdom). I clicked "yes" and then it gave me a selection: 

"Test siren"

"Deathly weather siren"

"Emergency siren"

"Intruding siren"

"Aircraft siren" 


I asked in an anxious tone: " Which should I pick, sir?"  he exclaimed: " the emergency one, obviously!". I felt a little offended, but I knew it was just everyone being in panick, and I did have to hurry up and get quick. I nervously took the mouse and scrolled to the "Emergency siren" selection. It showed me a map after and I had to click the sirens on the UK. This felt insane. It felt like I was controling all of the sirens in the world! ut I didn't have enough time to wonder about. There was a button at the bottom of the screen: "Select all" and I clicked it. All of us where waiting anxiously. Everything was death silent . Sir Joshua said: " 10 more seconds" , and I started counting seconds in my mind: 8...7...6...5.......4....3....2.....1....0! We heard nothing.... But then we heard the start of the siren. It was like an ambulance, but the pitch of it was more lower and the higher pitches where appearing more common. I was happy, but not everything was done yet. We had to do reaserch about the magnetic switch. Somehow, we will have to make every bird think that the North is now the South, so they have to go to the opposite direction. We had to discover in 3 days, which countries are out of bound and which countries where safe to live in. We couldn't tell the wild animals in there, that it is too dangerous to live here, move out, to another country. Before I said anything, Marlen spoke: " We have to do reaserch!" Sir Joshua gave her a look :That-was-kinda-obvious-without-you, so she stopped talking and we left the room. As soon as we got out of that room, everybody jumped on the computers and started typing with the speed of light, so did I. I took my favourite space, near the window, It was not there, because I loved daydreaming, no. Well- maybe sometimes, I mean who expects a person, that just came out of university, to work 24/7? Even though I love my work.... But I didn't care about looking at the people running around now. I had to focus on the research.  I looked at the Magnetic fields and scanned through the screen. I tried to remember some resources and I came up with an idea, that may be usefull. "The cause of the magnet poles switch! Of course!"- I thought out loud. Let me explain. The magnetic pole switch is caused by the reversals take place when iron molecules in Earth's spinning outer core start to go in the opposite direction as other iron molecules around them. As their numbers grow, these molecules neutrilaze the magnetic field in Earth's core, wich makes them switch. If you don't understand how I am explaining, then ask somebody else, I suck at explaining or teaching. Somehow, we had to either: 

try and stop the magnetic fields (probably impossible..YET)


Find out which countries it will affect on in maximum 2 days and let people move as fast as light flashes to the safe countries, which we can live in.

I'd rather choose the second one, because, it is more possible then  designing, then making a machine, to take out the irons in ONLY 3 DAYS is actually impossible, says the person who never gives up on anything. So, I started acting.

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