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Hey! Sleepyheads wake up!

Damn, Tania it's still 7:00am and you're already awake!

It's still early Tania.

And so? I'm bored

Then go back to sleep Tania.

Damn you, Bright!  @Gulf Kanawut Traipattanapong when are you going to wake up?!

I just groaned when my chat heads keeps popping up on my phone. I'm currently doing something on my phone, or more like editing something on my phone. I looked outside the window, looking at the house infront of us. I'm waiting for someone to go out.

Today is Mew's birthday, and yeah he's living at the house infront of us. I had a huge crush on him since they got here 7 years ago. It was a love at first sight. I sighed remembering that day. I accidentally turned at the mirror and i saw myself smiling like an idiot. I immediately slap myself. I'm editing a wallpaper for my phone, and ofcourse, he's my wallpaper.

Everytime he would post a picture on his social media, I'll will like it immediately. I don't want someone to like it first before me. Then I'll save it and edit for my new wallpaper. He already had a lot of pics in my phone that I'm starting to think if this phone is still mine.

He had a lot of pictures on my phone that i myself had.

I only have like.. 200 pictures of myself. And Mew's picture is 1000+ and counting. Well, i don't care as even if i will get my storage full because of hus picture. I want to remember his face even in my sleep. Okay, i sounds like obsessed over him.

I sighed and just continue editing. But Tania keeps calling me so i opened my chat head and replied in annoyance.


@Gulf Kanawut Traipattanapong

What the heck do you need Thanara?

Don't call me that!

What do you want? You know I'm busy.

Busy editing for your new wallpaper again?😏

Hey! @Gulf Kanawut Traipattanapong send the one you edit for me!

Uh? Ofcourse! He posted new pic today! And @Bright Vachirawit yes I'll send it to you later. Just calm your ass down😇

Don't use that emoji. You're not an angel.

Yes, because I'm the only angel among us. I'm a good influence 😇😇😇

Influence of Gossiping. Is that what you mean?

I didn't reply and just finish the picture I'm editing. Then i send the pic i edited for Bright's wallpaper. Ofcourse, it's his boyfriend's picture, Win.

After i finished mine, i immediately change my wallpaper. It's looks so good that i ended up jumping on my bed like a crazy man. He's too handsome and I can't take it!

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