Answering Eternity

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From the beginning of time, curiosity was always present in nature. It is a beautiful thing really, it's a natural trait whose signs become evident right from birth. As time courses, the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" made itself known through all different shapes and forms.

Now in present days, some people are interested in unexplainable events, such as paranormal phenomena and so on. But what happens to those who are too interested in this phenomenon?

As the sun shone through the glass door of his apartment complex, Sam took a moment to appreciate how beautiful this place was. He had spent many nights in this apartment and each time he came home, it brought him joy knowing that one day, he would be able to buy himself a place in the city proper.

He took another glance around his new room at the small apartment he currently occupied. It was small,only having a kitchen counter, a tiny sitting area, and an open bedroom. In hindsight, it wasn't ideal living conditions but the rent was cheap so that's what mattered.

Sam turned to look out the window as he heard a few distant chimes. A quick check outside told him it was 7:30 in the morning and the city was slowly waking up for the day. As much as he loved the mornings, he didn't want to spend the entire day holed up in his apartment watching TV, or playing computer games.

Grabbing his wallet and phone from the night stand next to the bed, Sam made his way down the stairs and into the lobby of his building where his beat up car awaited him. What better way to start the day than going to the so-called "haunted forest".

For some time, there was this rumor in town that the forest next to it it's haunted and cursed by some unknown entity. If you would be questioning town folk about its origin, every time there will be a different story to tell. So the so-called brave young man named Sam Ro'meave decided to investigate what really is happening in those woods.

As he drove through the city, the forest made itself more apparent. He'd have to be careful not to run into anything dangerous on the road. As he was making one last turn to direct him to the forest, a car honked behind him and startled him, turning around to glare at the guy.

"Some people, man..." Sam murmured under his breath.

He didn't look happy but it wasn't his fault. They were driving on an empty road and while there aren't many things that can make someone jump, it was enough to startle him. He turned his eyes back to the road as he continued driving and tried to think about how much time had passed since his mother last spoke to him. It has only been a few weeks since he moved out of his mother's house. And just a week since he also dropped out of college.

He knew he couldn't continue like this forever, his mother would soon realize that he is no longer at school but that's a problem for future Sam .

The drive had been uneventful so far. It seems that the road in town doesn't go through any forests so his destination isn't going to be obvious. At least it wasn't until he reached the edge of the city because then he saw the forest from the corner of his eye, the trees were taller than him and the sun was still high in the sky, giving everything a bright light.

"Damn" He muttered and got out of the car for a quick bathroom break.

After he finished, he took the wheel again and drove towards the woods. He could have stopped here, but he needed the drive if he wanted to keep moving. As the car drove deeper and deeper inside the forest, he saw some creatures in the distance but he didn't pay them any mind. He looked ahead and kept driving for another couple of hours.

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