There's A Somebody I'm Longing To See

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Jack Kelly missed his husband. Davey was halfway across the world working on a case that could be life-changing for his career and Jack supported him, no question, but he couldn't help but miss him.

Most of the time he got by fine. He and Davey would call every day and try video call as much as possible.

But on his birthday, it was hurting more than usual to not have Davey around. His brothers had convinced (forced) him to spend his birthday with them and their mother. Unfortunately, Jack couldn't say no to his brothers when they pulled out the puppy eyes.

"Jack," Crutchie called from the kitchen, "Can you help me?"

"Sure. What do you need? Do you need help cooking?"

"No, it's just the table. It needs to be set."

"Okay." Jack stood up from the couch and walked over to the cabinets, pulling out the nice tableware.

"Ooh, we're using the nice stuff, now are we?" Race teased, walking down from what was once his bedroom.

"Shut up Racer. You know we use the nice stuff for birthdays."

Race smiled and hugged Jack. "I know. Happy birthday, Cowboy."

Jack smiled fondly at his childhood nickname. Rarely anyone called him that anymore. Race and Crutchie were almost the only ones.

And Davey when he wanted to tease Jack.

The front door opened and Medda came through the door, surprised to see her three sons in the kitchen together.

"What are you three doing here?" she asked. "I wasn't expecting you all."

"We're having a nice dinner for Jack's birthday," Crutchie explained. "I'm making his cake and Race's making dinner."

Jack perked up at the prospect of cake. "You didn't tell me you're making cake."

Crutchie blinked. "I'm literally icing it right now. Are you blind?"

"I'm so sorry, Crutchie," Jack said dramatically. "I was too busy being an amazing brother and setting the table for you."

"Boys," Medda shouted, interrupting the argument she could see coming. "I don't care who's doing what. I'm just happy to see my boys. Now get over here and give me a hug."

Crutchie and Race rushed over first, both almost knocking their mother down as they hugged her at the same time.

Jack followed after with less of a rush and more of a longing for a motherly hug. "Hey Mama."

"Hey baby, how're you holding up?"

"I really miss him," Jack admitted. "I'm not mad or anything that he's working away. I just miss him so much."

"How often do you talk to him?"

"Everyday. Time zones are tricky but he calls me on his lunch break 'cause that's when I wake up."

As if on queue, Jack's phone went off with a call from Davey. Jack smiled as he answered the phone.

"Hey baby. Is everything okay?" he asked. "You're calling me later than normal."

"Yeah. I got held up so I couldn't call you at lunch." Jack's smile grew upon hearing Davey's voice. "Happy birthday, love. I'm so sorry I can't be there with you."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy to hear your voice. I'm with Mama and Race and Crutchie so at least I'm not alone."

"That's good. Can you do something for me?"

There's A Somebody I'm Longing To See || A Javey One-ShotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin