Prologue : Darkness

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*Ok guys I didn't edit this so ya pls enjoy anyway! Also I know it's short, the chapters will be longer I promise!*


I am surrounded by nothing.

For a second it's peaceful, but where am I? Am I dead? Is death just forever darkness?

 Or am I alive? Will Vecna jump out of the darkness and finish me off? I would be his fourth kill, Hawkins would be doomed.

I forget the fact that Vecna might have killed me and focus on getting some help.

     "LUCAS! EL!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Or at least I try, nothing comes out.I must be dead. I have to except that. Hopefully Hawkins will be okay, El will save it, I know it. Hopefully Lucas will live a long life without me, find someone else to love. I never expected us to be together forever, but I always hoped.

The gang will be fine without me, I was only their zoomer. Not even important. My mom sure doesn't need me, she'll probably have a better life without me. Move back to California, married some guy with just the right amount of money and never think twice.

After thinking of everyone would ever cared about me I start to think, if this is death why is it darkness, why do I remember my life? Shouldn't I be a ghost or angel or something? Surely I'm not in hell, I was good right? I block that thought out of my thoughts for now. If this was death then why can't I move? Why can't I talk? I thought death would be much more...exciting?

I try and forget the fact that my friends and family are probably in grave danger... or dead.

S!#T! Why did I think of that! Is it best if they're dead, that would mean that Vecna won and is taking over the world! No that cannot happen, that will not happen. They are not dead and have defeated Vecna. He is dead and my friends are safe.

But the darkness doesn't last and a light shines through the windows that arn't there. It grows more and more. I have no time to think about what this light is when the light embraces me, shutting out the nothing that was there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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