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It was April 5, 2018 when I left Japan. A month before that, I found out that I was going home. My ex asked me to make a list of the things that I want to do and the places that I want to go before leaving. And I did, and in less than a month, we made it. It was successful, we did the things and we went to the places. He asked me to do it not just because he wanted me to experience everything I want but also because he want us to have the same "firsts." Both of us visited Tokyo Tower, Sky Tree, Disney Sea and many more places first time together and I think that's the sweetest thing ever.

Once my ex went to Tokyo without me cause I had to go to work that time and when I reached home, I just found him in my apartment, holding a pair of diamond earrings, my favorite food, and other random stuffs cause for him if he went without me, he needs to make sure that I know all he was thinking that time was me and I think that's the most thoughtful thing ever.

One day we went to the mall just to look around and I think he noticed that I loved the shoes that I was looking at and he wanted to buy it for me without even a word from me he knew that it's gonna make me happy and that's all he wanted. In the end, he bought me 2 pair of shoes and a pants to pair with it. And when we reached home, he gave me another set of things and I couldn't think how spoiled I was with him. he didnt even bought anything for himself and I think that's the most selfless and most generous thing ever.

He knows all my favorite food and eating together and trying new restaurants was our thing. And when we eat, he always had to make sure I'm getting all what I want regardless of the price, regardless of the quantity. And that's the most beautiful bonding I ever had.

He never changed. And If I will tell everything that he did for me, it wont finish. And if I will always compare him to everyone I will meet, my standards will always be so high that they won't even meet it. He spoils me not just with things, but also with efforts and with his love. He was my greatest love indeed but our story has finished and moving on from him is like as if someone you love has died: you have to get used to not having or seeing them but they will always remain in your heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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