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Rowan was walking down the street with his girlfriend Jillian. And from the side of his eye he could see a all black car with tinned windows he thought it was interesting. He saw someone coming out of the car the person looked and him and smirked. Rowan blushed then hind his face into his girlfriends shoulder. "what's wrong baby?" She questioned. "Oh nothing lets go." Ive never felt that way? When he looked at me I blushed that felt different then when im with the homies. I felt something for him. But I dont even know him plus I have a girlfriend. And im not gay. Get your head out of the gutter. " BABY!." She yelled. I fliched. " Well now I got your attention where do you wanna eat tonight baby?". "Uhm chick-fil-a?" I said. "ya sure who's driving?" She asked. "Ill drive for you baby." I said still having him in the back of my head he was so cute. But he looked like an edgar. "Ok baby lets go im ready."she said. "ok" i replied. And we got into the car and started to drive to Chick-fil-A and ordered but we didn't wanna go home so we went to a park. And sat down and started eat. "I have to go to the bathroom ill go find out." She said. "Ok ill wait here." I said. Just a few minutes later I saw the man from earlier. We made eye contact and he walked over and said "hey it must be fate I saw you earlier and I really thought you were cute." He said. I started blushing. "T-thanks your p-pretty fine t-too." I said. He looked me up and down. "You got a number baby cakes" I blushed even more at the name. "Y-yes" I gave him my number. And he gave me his.  He came to my ear. "Text me sometimes baby boy". I turned into a tomato. He chuckled And walked away. " I will" I whispered. My girlfriend came back and I told her I want to go home and I dont wanna drive. "Ok baby lets go home I'll drive" She said " thanks." We got home and I went to the guest bedroom and I slammed the door shut. She didn't bother trying to comfort me Or talk to me. I went to the bed and was think I really like him. Maybe I should break up with her but where would I stay?. I questioned myself. I pulled my phone out and went to his contact. And started texting him.
Hey I never got your name?

Its rowan:) yours?

Its kevin and sorry if this is weird I just thought you were cute.

Oh no worries I think your hot I mean cool too:)

So who's that girl always with you?

Uhm just a friend. Anyways imma head to bed.

Oh ok good night hunny bun.

A few days later..


"IM SO OVER YOU ROWAN GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER YOUVE BEEN SO DISTANT ALWAYS HIDING IN THE GUEST BEDROOM". Jillian yelled at me. "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERE A BETTER GIRLFRIEND I WOULD ACTUALLY WANNA SPEND TIME WITH YOU." she just stood there I realized what I said. "Wait I didn't mean-" I tried to speak. "no what was said is said I get it and that's why we're over" she said. "Well ok if that's what you want." I went back to the guest bedroom and sat on the bed and took out my phone

Hey uhm remember that friend I was always with?

Well ya

Oh ok great well she kicked me out and I have no where to stay.

well you could come here if you want I live alone.

If it wouldn't cause any trouble may i?

Yes ofc darling

Thanks ok ill text you after I pack up love you


I start packing up. I can't wait to go to his house he's so hot. He's scrumptious. I finish packing im so tired. I wanna take a nap but im I can't I bring my stuff to my car after saying bye to Jillian everything was in the car and I got in but I remember I dont know where he lives. I pull out my phone.


I forgot to ask whats your address?

******* ***** *****

Thanks ill be there in a few.


I got there and it was a big house. I was surprised. But also really tired. So I went to the door and ranged the door bell Kevin answered. He didn't have a shirt on and his hair was messy and He was so hot. he helped me with my bags and through them into a room. "Baby boy you have to stay in my room for the night your rooms not ready we'll go shopping tomorrow but for now go Change into pjs or something." I went to go change into a big t-shirt and boxers and go into his bed and cuddled against him He was so warm. He whispered "good night baby boy I love you." That's all I heard before drifting off to sleep.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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