The Bite-Chapter 16

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Recap: "HARRY!" He shouted upon seeing the raven-haired boy's unconscious body. The professor gently placed Harry's head into his lap and kept trying to wake him up. "C'mon love wake up please" Lupin said cupping the back of his head and instantly pulling back. Blood. Blood covered his hand "Severus! We need to get to the hospital wing"

Remus didn't give Severus any reaction time before he stood up and started sprinting to the hospital wing.

He was panicking and used his cardigan to stop the bleeding as he ran. He didn't know how he could have let this happen.

Soon they were in the hospital wing. Remus was frantic and quickly laid him down on a cot.

"Poppy! Poppy! Where are you!?" He shouted, the worry ever so evident in his voice. Tears brimming his eyes. Finally the Medwitch came running in, anger in her eyes.

"Remus I don't know who you think—" The elder woman shouted but was stopped in her tracks when she saw the younger unconscious man. She quickly got to work and did a full exam on him and wrapped his head. He still didn't wake up and night was to fall in less then two hours. She did everything that was necessary.

Remus was absolutely stressed, he was concerned for Harry and getting more snappy. But luckily Poppy came out just in time. She healed the cut to the point where there was only a tiny scar, that wasn't even visible.

Poppy smiled sadly "he's okay, however he won't wake up in time for the full moon. I would recommend moving him into a room, or carrying him to the forest, but if that's all, he is free to leave" she then walked off, organising some random potions.

Remus let out a breath as he walked to Harry's side, he knelt down and kissed his forehead. "I know just where to take him" he mumbled to himself as Remus looked at his watch. He needed to get there quickly.
Remus had cast a feather-light charm on Harry to make him easier to carry to the room of requirement. It was the only place the older werewolf could think of that would be best for both him and Harry.

Soon he was in the room, to suit his needs the room had made a giant forest, one almost identical to the forbidden forest.

It wasn't huge but it would work for tonight. Remus looked down when he heard Harry whimper, so Remus decided to set the young man down. He sat down next to Harry and gently ran his hand through Harry's hair.

Soon the transformation began, the painful rearranging of bones and the howls of discomfort. Somehow Harry had managed to stay asleep during it. This made Remus nudge him with the tip of his nose and lay next to the smaller wolf.

Remus sat there for most of the night just watching Harry. It was worrying him how little Harry moved. After another hour Remus decided to go to bed.

The older wolf had finally laid down and gotten comfortable when he heard a very small whimper come from his lover. His head instantly shot up and went to Harry.

The old wolf finally decided to lay down next to harry and fell into a deep sleep
Harry woke up the following morning, confused and cold. He had a huge gap in his memory. All he could remember was falling in the dungeons.

After a few moments of panic, he felt two warm arms wrap around his waist and a chin place itself in the crook of Harry's neck.

"Good morning love, how do you feel?" Remus asked him softly. Harry lent back into Remus just trying to steal his body heat. Remus laughed at this attempt.

"Cold" was Harry's very short answer. Remus just laughed and hugged his boyfriend closer to him.

"C'mon let's get you back to your dorm so you can warm up" Remus finally said as he got them both up on their feet.

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