Moment I

30 2 0

He looked at her from a distance and she slightly blushed.

Then, he walked toward her with his right hand man.

They sat in silence and talked about what they do best.

Watching anime.

His voice so cool,

But stuttered while he talked.

She talked so calmly,

Yet so loud.

They talked so much,

He forgot about his right hand man

And she forgot about even her closest friends




So this is a book where we write when our favorite ship has a moment.

Now I'm just one of the authors.

Many authors have different styles.

Even though this is one of those random books,

I'm putting my part like a story.

I don't know how Unamo is going to do her part, but that's how I'm gonna do mine.


The Husoza LogsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ