Chapter 1 - Memories

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"Good morning, three." is what I heard the first day I ever woke up in Hawkins Lab.

I had no idea what i was doing there, or how I got there. All I know is that i felt different, not normal.

"Where am I?" I remember asking.

"Home. You're home." I heard a voice say.

It was a calm voice. A comforting voice.

I opened my eyes to see a man with brown hair and little strands of grey hair peeking out.

I had no idea who he was.

"Are you a doctor?" I asked.

"Sort of. My name is Dr. Brenner. But, you may refer to me as papa." he said, smiling.

I think I was around 10 years old.

I remember the first time I met 002. He was nice to me. We were only 2 years apart, so we got along well.

We liked to race each other with toy cars. We also liked to have drawing contests, to see who can guess what each other drew. It was fun.

Peter was my best friend though. My one and only TRUE best friend.

We met in the rainbow room. He told me how strong he was. How he could levitate things with his mind. How he could effortlessly pick me up if he wanted to. It was pretty cool. I just remember him encouraging me to do things that I was scared to do.

He taught me a lot.

I remember meeting 011 for the first time. I think I was 17, she was probably 4.

She was a shy individual. She never really learned proper grammar.

But i know Eleven a lot better now. This is only the beginning.

Hey guys! Ely here :)
So sorry about the short chapter! I didn't really know what else to put here, But i'll be putting a new chapter out soon! :)
Also, most of the ages and timing is weird and not very true. I'm just fitting it for how I want the story to go, so remember that for the future!

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