Story starter

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Standing in the dark, faced with an impossible choice, Jared didn't know what they would do. Two doors hung open on the adjacent wall, identical to the one he had just passed through, except for one substantial difference. The one he had came through was closed.

He wasn't exactly surprised. The Labyrinth was constantly churning and rotating under the surface. He clutched his E-11 tighter. Jared didn't know what to expect, but whatever he was expecting, this was worse.

He chose the door on the left. There was no reason for his decision, only he knew he couldn't wait around until he starved. His meagre rations in his backpack wouldn't last for very long once he knew which way he was going.

The darkness of the doorway lead to a long hall, which lead to an identical room with two more doors. He cursed with the most foul rodian he had picked up. Frantically, he rushed through the next door to his left. The unyielding darkness of the corridors was no match for his fury.

The next room was also identical except minus the doors. He cursed again, his loose "education" in the slums of coruscant was really serving him well today. He turned around. The doorway he had gone through was gone. His frustration was insurmountable.

He looked around, two doors , yet again identical had appeared in the same position in the wall. The sudden shock of the appearance was overwhelmed by worry. There was a breeze.

He hadn't noticed it until it came back. The stagnant air slowly swirled out of one of the doorways, ruffling Jared's hair and brushing against the straps on his backpack. He remembered back to what the shaman had warned him about earlier.

"Great beasts lurk down there!" The shaman laughed. "You will fit right in!" The joke seemed a lot less funny now. Advancing down the hallway, Jared began to wish he had bought a flashlight, or even some spare clothes to burn as a vague torch.

He advanced from room to room, through various doorways with identical features, past various other dark hallways, all while following the evergrowing breeze.

The bigger monsters always guarded the biggest treasures. At least the stories said so. He would make a name for himself, prove himself to everyone. His thoughts drove him ever quickly on, his fearful quaking replaced with new resolve.

Slowly the rooms changed, or more accurately, his perception of them did. He began to see tinier details. A nick here, a stalagmite there. He even recognised some of the doors he passed previously but he had his direction. The breeze guided his way.

A different door came into sight. The once slight gust had now rose into a strong gail, resisting Jared's advances. The door itself was an ornate one, sculpted out of a type of Cortosis. It's beautiful patterns were not obscured by the verdigris colouring the sculpted artwork.
Then he saw it through the door...

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