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My mother's hands were so soft and warm, like hot chocolate and marshmallows. When suddenly became hard and cold. I remember the day she died like it was yesterday. We were walking down the street after getting our groceries.
I was no older than 5 at the time. A tall man grabbed my mother's arm and whispered something in her ear. Mommy doesn't move and I start to get scared I pull on her arm and cry. The tall man grabs me by the collar if my jacket and twisted his hand in my mom's long wavy black hair and drags us into a looping alley way. He flings me into a cluster of garbage cans and everything is covered in darkness.
When my senses awake again my mom is sprawled out onto the ground with blood pouring out of her stomach and I scream "Mommy, wake up please. Ill behave I promise I will." I try to yank her hand so she will stand up but it was cold, really cold. I stop screaming and decide to sit beside her. She was so warm. Resting my head on her shoulder, I slowly start to fall asleep. Still shivering.

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