D L A WeirdosThe story of this god-forsaken school.

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Tbh this was an excuse to rat out my school for being actual shit- and since I'm out there is literally nothing they can do. 

I am gonna try my best to make this a continuous thing a keep it persistent, hopefully, it works this time. I work VERY hard on this, as I am an absolute try hard- so forgive me and pls enjoy.


DLA is a hellhole.

Let's tell it for what this place truly is, a scrappy, ghetto, broke, jail, imprisoning students against their will. Keeping them held hostage in the classroom for hours on end, forcing child labor, and shoving information and " fact-based evidence" down our throats. Under the smile pinned on our faces, we all grow depressed and bitter becoming tired of the same thing over and over on repeat. It becomes hard to withstand all the pressure surrounding us, from grades to the attention we seek but can't bear once we see it staring back at us. Bullying becomes common, as we are all just looking for validation and maybe just a little bit of peace. Things get ugly and students start depending on drugs and weed to have their back while they suffer, to sum it all up DLA is hell.

"People work so hard to be something they are not only to be disappointed in the end". People depend so much on the opinions of others that it becomes their personality trait. I never thought id live to see the day when being a follower was a good thing. School is infested with followers, someone u thought was a cool dude outside of school can change into a jerk during school hours, proving my point that school changes identities, ruins people, withers away your self-confidence and pride, and leaves you alone and afraid of the world.

In this mass of students, it's easy to get caught up in trouble and with there being so many rules, u could get in trouble for anything, even the tiniest things like wearing a hat. Who knew a single hat could end up getting u in trouble. Being in a school with plenty of rules guarantees trouble and when the stakes are high u can count on the "troublemakers" to make everything worse. Being a trouble maker meant u skipped classes and were always getting detentions or lectures from somebody, u catch these hood rats in ally's "making art" on forbidden property. Even if u weren't the one causing the "trouble" u could get in trouble for being in the right place at the wrong time.

Every school has gangs, whether u call them clits, groups, or tables, they are all the same thing, gangs. Either ur a part of a gang or ur a loner wolf, and lone wolves are easy targets.

In school, there are choices you have to make whether you are gay or straight, and if weren't ready to choose, too bad because the pressure is on and they all wanna know. Either your a jockey or your gay, either your a popular kid or a weirdo, either your dumb or you're a dork, always a choice you have gotta make, either this or that, if you choose the wrong one you could end up dead.

Our Mc's are a part of the hoard of students who attend hell, we watch as their life falls apart, we laugh, we cry, but we all know this is a little too close to home. This should really be called DLA HORROR STORIES. 

Also PLS PLS PLS leave suggestions on what to write- when I have opinions of what others want it gets me more inspired to do them

615 words!

DLA HORROR STORIESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon