you are my lover baby

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The day has been long and tiring, they all have trained for many hours now.
Wookjin who is in general very energetic, is completely exhausted, his muscles start becoming sore, and the only thing he want right now is to rest in his room.

All of them are packaging their stuff and are slowly starting to go to their rooms.
When Wookjin leave the practice room, Jisung and Yongsoo are still practicing their parts.
So he just cheer them before opening the door and leaving the practice room.

When he arrives to the dorm, he quickly take a shower, washing his hair, before turning on the tv in his room, watching a random show that just popped on the screen.

But after 5 minutes, he was already sleeping on his couch.
He don't know for how many minute, or hours he was asleep, but some little knocks on his door made him open his eyes.

He slowly walk to his door and open it, only to see Jisung in front of him.

–Are you good Wookjin ? I was worried after you left the training room.

–I'm good, just really tired.

He only sees Jisung nodding before he walk closer to the younger.

–Can I enter ? Just to be with you, nothing more.

Wookjin take a tiny step back to let his boyfriend enter his room and he close the door after him.
Jisung immediately open his arms for Wookjin to cuddle with him.
He slightly touch the younger's hair and kiss his forehead.

–You did a great job today, i'm very proud of you.

–Really hyung ?

The older just nod, letting his hands travel in the back of Wookjin.

–Thank you, it was hard.

–I know, but you were amazing.

Since they are together, Jisung has always been like this with him, offering him all the support he needs.

And Wookjin is very grateful for that.

He know that it's part of his role as the leader but he can also that there is something more in his actions and his words toward him.

There is love.

–Hyung ?

The older didn't reply, he just continue to stroke Wookjin's hair, waiting for him to continue his sentence.

–Can you stay here tonight ? I want more cuddles.

Jisung just smile and kiss his cheek.
That make Wookjin's blush.

–Of course 'Jin.

Some minutes later, they were lying in the younger's bed, Wookjin in his lover's arms.
He open his eyes when he hear Jisung calling him.

And Jisung just move closer to him and give him a peck on the lips.

–I love you.

Trying to hide his red cheeks, he burried his face in Jisung's chest.

–I already saw you smiling babe, you can stop hiding.

Wookjin just moved his head back, letting their eyes meet.
And then, they just smile to each other, appreciating their moment together.
They don't need to always say it, because they know.
Wookjin know that for Jisung, he's the cutest person ever and that he want to protect him of everything.
And Jisung know that he have all of Wookjin's trust and that he is the most comfortable to, his safe place.

They don't need to say it, but when they say it, they always mean it.

–I love you too hyung.

ik it's not perfect but it's my first english ff so yeah
it's very short but i hope u enjoyed :)
have a nice day besties <3

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