Chapter 1: Denial

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I look at my best friend Marcy. She's been my friend since we were 5. Marcy has short black hair it doesn't seem to that brushed. Marcy is Taiwanese-American. She usually wears a grey sweater with the St. James Middle School logo since Marcy says she doesn't like the texture. Marcy LOVES I mean LOVES video games! I'm not sure why..? However her addiction can be dangerous since she cuts off the world while she plays. When Marcy does that she always gets hurt or something chaotic happens. Marcy is very pretty in my opinion.

"Uhm.. Sashy? You there?" Marcy asks. "Huh yeah I'm here," I reply, "I guess I just zoned out." "You don't usually do that unless something happens. Is something up?" The Taiwanese girl says. "Yeah I'm good Mar Mar." I say. "Oh shit she's actually noticing me zoning out. This isn't good," I thought. I pause for a short second. My eyes land on her face. "Gosh I love her eyes they're so.. pretty? I love her smile too how it lightens the room. Am I inlove with her? No that's wrong she's my bestie." I think. A small blush forms on my face. Anne gives me that look when she knows something. "Marbles can I talk to Sasha for a sec?" Anne asks. "Sure!" She replies. Anne pulls me aside. "Seriously Sasha? Are you inlove with Marcy Wu?" The brunette asks. "Uhm no? She's just a friend." I say. Anne rolls her dark brown eyes. She walks us back to Marcy. "Ok we're back!" Anne says. "Do you mind me asking you what you were talking about?" Marcy asks. "Uhh it was nothing important." I interrupt. "Okie!" Marcy says. "So did you hear about the new video game?-" Marcy blabbers. Hearing Mar mar blabbering about something important to her is fascinating to Sasha. I enjoy hearing the words coming out of Marcy's mouth. I pretend not to care about what Marcy is saying but inside I secretly love what she talks about. I pretend not to care about what Marcy is saying but inside I secretly love what she talks about.
I don't think I like Marcy I think she's just a friend. Who I believe is pretty :). Even if I like her that's not even possible she's a girl and girls can't like them, or that's atleast what my parents say.

"Sasha Waybright, are you here?" Mrs. Graves asks. Those words woke me up from my thoughts. "Y-yes ma'am." I reply while trying to get my stuff together. While I scramble looking for a pencil I notice a picture of me and Marcy. She was wearing a simple green dress with her hair up. But she managed to look so alluring. "Sasha come sit at up at the front of the class next to Marcy, clearly you can't handle sitting in the back." Mrs. Graves states. "Ugh she's so annoying sometimes I wish she's dead." I thought.

There I was sitting next to my bestie Marcy Wu. The smartest girl in school. How did I get so lucky being friends with her. "Hey Sasha I see you got into trouble, again.." Marcy says. "Yeah.." I mumble. "Y'know Sash, you can't be in trouble ALL the time. It's almost someone or something has been in your head today." The black haired girl says frowning. "I know Mar Mar I'm just.. figuring thing out." I reply back. "Hey uhm, Sasha? Wanna go out for dinner tonight?" Marcy asks. "Hmm, sure! Anything for you!" I reply. "Ok today at 7:00PM." Marcy says. Marcy's face grows a soft small blush. "I love you Mar Mar." I blurted. Marcy's blush on her face went from a soft blue to looking like a tomato. "I'm sorry did my words fluster you, darling?" I flirt as a joke I think. Marcy doesn't respond she looks almost broken when I said I love you. Her eyes were pinned at my strong muscles. "Oh so now you're mesmerized at my body now? Heh." I laugh. "Oh my frog! IM SO SORRY SASHA." Marcy apologizes. "It's ok love." I reply. Marcy's blush stops when Mrs. Graves appears. "Ms. Wu? Are you distracting Sasha?"  Mrs. Graves asks. "No, Mrs. Graves. I'm helping her understand math. She's not getting it so I'm explaining it to her." She replies. "Yup!" I say. Mrs. Graves walks away.

I feel two taps on my shoulder by someone familiar, it's Anne. "Oh hey Anne!" I say. "Are you SURE you don't like Marcy? You totally got the soft spot for her." Anne asks. "Actually Anne.. can I talk to you after this period? We can skip in the restroom by the cafeteria." I ask. "Uhm sure." I got back to doing my work I was confused but I somehow managed to escape the period.

"Anne come over here!" I yell. Anne runs after me her legs faster than an average runner. We both enter the restroom in silence. Nobody talked. In the big stall I bursted out into tears. "Anne, it's too much! I don't even know if I like boys!" I sobbed. "Woah there Nelly! Slow down!" Anne says. "Well y'know how you've been asking me lately if I like Marcy? Well I don't know if I like her. She gets me all fuzzy and warm. Like I give no cares in the world when I'm with her. Not to mention her beauty she looks like dream. Mar Mars lovely hair and she can literally pull off any look. Well me, I look ugly!" I sob. "Sasha Waybright. You aren't ugly and it's OK to like girls. It's not wrong. It's totally okay and no need to worry about it. We have so many more years to figure things out. And don't worry about your looks, you're beautiful and deep inside your heart I know you know that." Anne comforts me. "Thank you Anna Banana." I thank. "Sash, why don't we make a code name for Marcy to talk about her?" Anne asks. "Sure, any ideas?" I ask. "How about lover girl?" Anne suggested. "Perfect!" I reply.


This is my second fanfiction sooo it's bad so feel free to give constructive criticism! Also I plan to update frequently. And also it will be only Sasharcy unless I get motivation to make sashannarcy later in the fanfic.

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