New School

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I began my day by waking up to my sharp shrill of my mother's morning call. I don't mean that she was screaming at me to get up -- I mean that she decided to use her famous Mocking's Cry to wake me up and in the process, making me fall off the top bunk.

"Ow," I rubbed my elbow that already started forming a bruise. I looked at my alarm clock and now realized why my mom resulted to such high screeches.

I was running late for my first day at my new school.

I scrambled to my feet as my younger sister ran through the door of the bathroom, hopping around trying to put her jeans on. "We have 15 minutes before the bus gets here," she exclaimed, still fiddling with the zipper.

I bolted to my closet and frantically grabbed a tank top and flannel shirt, well, my brother's flannel shirt (I may have stolen it from him a week ago, but don't tell him anything). I struggled to put on my jeans and bean boots as I checked my clock.

I had 13 more minutes.

I left my flannel shirt unbuttoned as I raced to the bathroom and took two minutes to brush my teeth and manage to put my hair up in a French braid.

"Come on, Avery, lets go!"

After I made sure I was somewhat presentable, I pounded down the stairs, tailing my sister. My brother, the ever-so-perfect Evan, was already down eating breakfast calmly. "Good morning," he said.

"Morning," I said breathlessly as I started to cram a blueberry Pop-Tart down and pour my self a glass of milk.

"Careful, honey, you're practically inhaling your food," my mom scolded me with the spatula by waving it near my face.

"Sorry, mom, gotta go." I yanked my backpack from the floor and grabbed my sister who was chugging down the rest of the milk.

Now I know what you're thinking, my 100 lb. sister chugging almost a whole quart of milk? - impossible. Actually, not impossible. You see, my sister was blessed with super strength and has to eat and drink a lot of protein and dairy to keep it up. I'm not even sure if that is scientifically sound myself, but it's the way she is.

"Wait, is that my shirt?"

I hesitated with my brother and spun around to him, "No~o~o."

He squinted while staring at my forehead, "No, it is mine and you're thinking of how you stole it from my drawer a week ago when I was at tennis practice." He narrowed his eyes even more and then shot open, "You do not look better in that shirt that me!"

"Dad, will you tell Evan to stop reading people's minds!"

My dad's voice appeared around the corner with the rest of him, "Evan, how many times do I have to blind fold you to understand that mind reading is off limit to when we don't need information."

"But Dad," Evan whinnied. "Telling me not to use my abilities is like telling mom that she can't use her bird calls and for you not to use your venom spells."

Oh, did also forget to mention that my dad and mom are both retired superheroes? My dad - White Serpent - is a super genius that can communicate with serpents. You're probably thinking whatever, he just a snake charmer. Well, if you have a criminal to defeat and you can send at least about 30 snakes to go sick 'em, I don't think you would complain.

My mom was none other than Blue Mockingbird. Blue Mockingbird born with the ability to mimic not only bird calls, but also human voices. Yeah, I think that pretty amazing!

"I told you, Evan, they are not 'venom spells' but simply concoctions made from different snake venoms and chemicals to cause certain effects on people, for example-"

My mom put her hand in his shoulder, "I think he understands, honey."

"Oh," he chuckled out, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. "Right."

They both grinned at each other like they just got married, even though that was almost 20 years ago. I found it adorable that two people who have lived together for that long still look at each other like they first told each other they loved each other for the first time.

"Uh, guys," Evan checked his watch again. "The bus is supposed to arrive in one minute."

There was a three second pause to let it sink as we all hurriedly scrambled out the door, leaving our mother and father.

We all sprinted toward the entrance to Woodland Parks, our neighborhood. The bus was about to leave, but the driver thankfully noticed us. We all climbed in and quickly found seats.

We were a good ways down the road when we turned onto an old, collapsing bridge. I noticed everyone buckling themselves in the seat belts so hurriedly did the same.

"Does everyone have their seat belts buckled?"

Everyone shouted back a yes and he pulled a lever. "Hold you breakfast down now, you hear?"


He pressed a flashing button and we shot off going nearly 80 miles per hour. Gravity glued me and my sister to our seats as we sped off the bridge.

All I could think was all of the friends I could have made and when I would have graduate school and gotten married.

I could feel the lurch as the bus hit the water, but it didn't sink down to the bottom of the river like I thought it would, but only a little. Only when I opened my eye I noticed that our bus now was a submarine and our driver navigated through the murky waters.


Evan, Shelly, and I all follow the student body president as he was obligated to show us around campus. We even got to sit in on a few classes because we technically didn't have to go to school for class officially until tomorrow.

"Well, are there anymore questions you have for me?" He asked politely, looking more in Shelly's direction than anyone else. I could see the look in his eyes and no way was the senior, student body president going and fooling around with my sister. They literally just shook hands like two hours ago, he can't already like her! She's only a freshman. And from my brother's glares, I knew he thought the same thing. Even I didn't need to be a mind reader to know that.

"Just one more," Evan had hints of a cold tone towards our guide and it seemed like he had a right too, considering that the senior would occasionally throw out compliments and flirty glances towards her, but thankfully Shelly was the most oblivious person ever. But no matter, our student body president chose to ignore Evan.

Wow, that's rude.

He handed us each a folder, "This is your schedule and starting tomorrow, you will attend every class based on the super abilities."

To clarify any questions, yes, all three of us were attending a super secret superhero training school called Haberton Hero High School.

"Uh, there is one problem," I started.


"I don't exactly know what my super power is."

* * * * *

Hey everyone!

I will publish a chapter each week on Monday. I really enjoy writing this story in general. 

If this story in any way seem similar to any other story lines, I do not mean it to be. As far as I know, this story and characters are mine. 

I will love to hear response from what you think so far. 

This is your Captain of the Ships signing off.

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