The End of the Beginning

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The story you are about to read is one of sorrow, and not a very pleasant rollercoaster. This story consists of pain, more pain, and even death. If I were you, I'd close the app and go back to playing that one game you've been procrastinating on.


You are still here? Very well, my name is.. unimportant as of right now, so you may just call me The Spectator.


In a mountain range just west of Liyue Harbour, two familiar faces were staring into the sunset.
"You do realise that we are alone in this world, right?" One man said, as he took off his hat.

"Oh, stop being so miserable, Scara. Optimism never cost a dime."

"Optimism? sure! Bit hard to be optimistic when we're the only harbringers not dead or missing!"

Scaramouche let out a large groan, and slumped onto some nearby rocks.

"I never should've saved you from that fucking blondie."

The other man chuckled to himself, not taking his eyes off the beautiful sunset like he was mesmerised.
Scaramouche tried to gain his attention by throwing a small pebble at him.
"Hey, dipshit. You're not gonna answer me?"

No response emitted from the man.

"...You're not even worth this anymore."  Scaramouche stood up and walked off, muttering a few curses and swears to himself. The other man finally turned his back to the sunlight, and took off his mask, revealing a burnt face which stretched from his jawline to his forehead, as one eye was also now silver. He lifted a finger to push down on his cheek as a bit of blood squirted out.

" very interesting."

The man chuckled to himself, before putting the mask back on and walking after Scaramouche.


At the top of Starfell Valley, the twins stood infront of a portal, as they both mentally prepared themselves.

"You ready, sis?"

"I mean not really- but hay fever's kicking in so.." Lumine chuckled, as she stepped forward. The portal was slowly closing, so the twins started walking towards it.

"This doesn't feel real." Aether said, a smile forming on his face, "I can still hear their voices.. "

Lumine stopped, and turned to Aether. "That isn't your imagination.."
The brother also stopped, before tilting his head in confusion.
The next second, a surge of electric shot through the field as a podium appeared.
The twins quickly shot around and summoned their weapons, for Aether that was a blade, and Lumine a claymore. The electric podium vibrated as the twins cautiously approached it, the podium eventually phasing out of existence as a familiar person appeared in place of it.

"...Keqing?" Aether gasped as he lowered his weapon.

"Aether, hi, Lumine, greetings. I'm terribly sorry to call on you last second but.... I need you both for one more favour, the fate of Teyvat may depend on it."

The twins looked at eachother with unease, but after a non-verbal agreement, they nodded and turned turned to Keqing.
Lumine asked, "What's wrong?"

"...He's back."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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