Chapter 1

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The suffocating green slimy mush covered you and with it came pain. You struggled. But it was no use, the world began to turn dark.

That was when HE came. You couldn't see him but recognised his familiar voice saying, "I am here!"

You felt the sludge ripple in terror of Deku! He shouted the familiar line, "Detroit smash!" The sludge exploded in a gross firework of green mush.

Next thing you knew, you were in his arms. His smile lulled you into a feeling of safety his eyes conveying pure kindness. He finally asked your name.

You responded, "Y/N".

After checking you for injury's he bounded into the distance. When Deku finally looked down, he saw you grasping the bottom of his leg.

"Whoa! Kid, Be careful!"

You tried to apologise but the wind knocked away your words. He swiftly landed, shaking his head he kneeled before you.

"You remind me of my younger self you know." 

My MHA fan-fic 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz