She's Finally Here

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Rin's POV

"Who's that?" I whispered to Yukio, looking at the girl in front of my room. She was looking at a piece of paper, then at the door, then to the paper again.

She had white hair that was a bit longer than shoulder-length and green eyes, the male uniform on without the jacket; white dress shirt, and the red and black striped tie, the dark blue pants, and black shoes. On her back, she had one of those rolling suitcases on with a sword covered in cloth, hanging on her shoulder with the suitcase, while she held a regular backpack in her hand.

"These numbers don't look the same... God dammit, why the Hell does this have to be so confusing?!" She shouted, putting the paper in her pocket and running her free hand through her hair.

"Uh, miss, are you looking for the girls' dorm?" Yukio asked, walking over to her.

"No, the paper told me that my room is in this building but the numbers are reall confusing. Can you find this room?" She took the paper back out and handed it to him.

What does she mean? I thought Yukio and I had this place to just us. Did Mephisto write down the wrong name for her? Or did he assign her here for a reason?

"You're room is over there," Yukio pointed the rooms on the other side of the hallway, "The second one closest to the stair case. My question is how did you mix the numbers up?"

She glanced at me and frowned, moving her head to get her bangs out of her eyes, "I... homeschooling... and my... eyes are bad. Thanks for the help." She patted Yukio's shoulder and walked to her room.


Jinnai's POV

It's been like what - a week since I've been here? - maybe longer. I dont know; I don't pay attention to time like that.

In class, we had a test on plants, which I didn't really try on at all. Rin, a boy in my dorm, wouldn't stop falling asleep in class, so he's most likely got a bad grade on it. This new girl in a kimono, is positive she got a good grade and a punk rock looking dude has probably gotten a good grade because he actually pays attention.

The punk rocker started fighting with Rin, so a boy with pink hair and the other kid from my dorm, Yukio, had to separate them. As they did that, I sighed, put my book down and walked up to the front, taking my paper.

"What are you doing?" Yukio looked at me.

"Just taking my paper, what does it look like?" I stood there, looking over the thing, "Wow, I got a good grade."

"Oh yeah right, how could you get a good grade when you have your nose buried in that book you always got with you?" Punk rocker rolled his eyes.

"I got a 100%," I turned around, showing them the paper.

"How could you get that score when you pay as much attention as this dumbass over here?!" He-needs-a-new-nickname-other-than-punk-rocker shouted.

"It's called learning the basic topic and then studying it later, dipshit. And besides, my mom used to deal with stuff like this," I handed him the paper, "If you're so upset that I got a better grade, study off of that."

As the guy shouted at me, Pinkie, or Shima, called him 'Bon' and tried to keep him from hurting me. He needs to stop underestimating people. Anyone can get a good grade like him if they put in the effort, ya know?

The bell rang, signaling that class was over and Shima had to hold Bon back from going after me when I left.


Ah yes, PE, the time when you run around for no real reason whatsoever and people either cheer you on or boo you. It's such a great time, right? Well that depends if you like this place or not. This PE is different; where so far as I know you run away from demons. If public schools had quality training such as this, everyone would be super fit. But oh well, not every school can have this kind of stuff.

Currently, Bon and Rin are kind of having a race while running away from the frog looking demon. Rivals are weird; they have make everything a competition. It's not like I was really paying attention anyways.

As I flipped to the next page, Bon and Rin broke out in a fight. Shima and Konekomaru had to hold Bon back as the teacher had to do the same for Rin. I didn't really care for what was happening around me, even when new people went up to run, until I had to join.

Shiemi, the girl in the kimono, needs better clothes. Everyone else has got both the purple jacket and pants with a black shirt under it or just a regular long sleeved shirt with pants. I have a dark grey tank top and black capris.

I was running faster than Shiemi and the girl with weird eyebrows, Izumo, but went back to pick up Shiemi when she fell. After this, I'm taking her clothes shopping at least for gym. I helped her up and the teacher called down Shiemi and someone I have yet to learn the name of.

They ran while Shiemi, Izumo and I went back up. Izumo sat next to her friend at the ledge as the teacher's phone started ringing, calling his lady "kitty cat." Can you see me cringe? He warned us to stay away from the demons and went for his booty call.

I sighed, taking out my book and started reading. Rin and Bon got into a fight that I honestly couldn't give a shit about it, even when Bon dared Rin to touch the demon and run back up. Rin didn't take the challenge, but Bon got pissed about something and went to do the thing himself. He then shouted about his ambition; to become a real exorcist and defeat Satan. I guess there are three people here with that kind of dream. What got me ticked off was Izumo. She was laughing at him.

"Did you hear what he said? He's gonna defeat Satan, seriously?" She kept laughing.

I slammed my book shut and everyone went silent, slowly turning to look at me.

"Will you shut up, Izumo?" My simple question caused tension to fill the air, "Don't laugh at people's dreams. All it's going to do it make them want to prove it to you more and before you know it, they proved you wrong. I don't give a shit if your dream is as big as defeating Satan or as small as... learning how to grow a fucking bean plant, you don't laugh at people for their dreams. How would you like it if I laughed at you for your dreams? Let him have his ambitions, you piece of shit. Dreams can be as big as someone wants or as small as someone wants, it never really matters. So shut the fuck up, let him have his dream and stop making fun of it before I start making fun of everything you do."

I guess Bon was distracted by my little speech, because the demon was about to attack him. Rin, being the "heroic" guy he is, jumped over to help save the day. Yayyyyy (note the sarcasm, kids.) It bit him and he was like 'let goooooo' and Bon is all like 'whoa bro my hero'. I started laughing at the 'whoa bro my hero' thing I made up. Shima looked at me like I was crazy, though.

Rin is like 'nu man I'm the one who will defeat the boss man of the underworld' and Bon is like 'what bro you trying to start somethin, don't copy my ambition ya fool' and then they started fighting again. I hope you all know the little things I said they said aren't actually real but it's basically what they meant.

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