S1: Pilot

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Eeeh, my family has been watching agents of shield and we are almost finished season seven. And I was rereading KOTLC and was like "idea, let me write this" I mean, it works

The secret is out. For decades, your organization stayed in the shadows. Hiding the truth. But now we know— they're among us. Heroes... and monsters. The world is full of wonders. We can't explain everything we see. But our eyes are open. So what now? There are no more shadows for you to hide in. Something impossible just happened. What are you going to do about it?

Keefe shifted uncomfortably as he looked up at Squall. "Are we here about my last mission, because I swear that I had it all under control. I would have gotten out with the 084 if the back up hadn't-"

"Come in and save you from certain death. Sure, let's go with that. Your only alive because Agent Vacker was there to save you. And he was only able to save you because he was close by on another mission".

Keefe blinked and slouched in his seat as Squall gave him an icy look. "And here I thought my hero came to save me personally" he whined and Squall rolled her eyes.

"Despite my reservations, my superior wants me to keep you on the job. He even wants you to work on his team".

Keefe sat up. "Who's your superior? Why does he want me on his team?".

Squall chuckled. "You'll have to ask Agent Forkle about that?".

Now he was really confused. "I'm a level six, I know that Agent Forkle is dead. I got the full report".

Agent Forkle, who clearly wasn't dead, stepped out of the shadows behind Squall at that moment. "Welcome to level seven" he said causing Keefe to launch out of his chair and cower against the floor. "Sorry about that, the corner was really dark and I couldn't help myself. I think there's a bulb out".

Keefe blinked and looked between Squall and Forkle. "So, I'm going to be on his team now? Why didn't you start with that?".

~~~ (I turned around and saw a squirrel on my window. Like, clinging to the window screen. It was strange)

Alvar frowned as he stepped aboard the Bus. A very family looking blonde boy was happily chatting to a strawberry blonde boy and Alvar tried to back out before they could notice him. But the strawberry blonde boy saw him and smiled.

"Ah, you must be Agent Vacker. I'm Dex Dizznee, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he made his way through the lad and stuck a swab in Alvar's mouth as Keefe shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh, I never got to thank you for saving my life, after my last mission" Keefe muttered.

Dizznee pulled away from Alvar and placed the swab into a vial. "Of course," Alvar winced and rubbed at his cheek. "It wasn't that hard really". He glanced at Dizznee. "Was anyone else surprised that Forkle was still alive?".

"Yes" Keefe said at the exact moment that Dizznee said "No".

Keefe and Alvar gave him confused looks that he either ignored or didn't notice. At that moment, a soft brown, vintage car pulled into the Bus, and Forkle stepped out with another man.

Alvar blinked and Dizznee chuckled. "He likes to collect old things. Flamethrowers, GPS, old B.L.A.C.K.S.W.A.N stuff" he leaned towards Alvar and Keefe with wide eyes. "He calls it Lola". He laughed as if it was the funniest thing and slapped Alvar and Keefe on the back.

Alvar winced and looked at Keefe. "Is he always like this?"

"I just met him, I seriously hope not" Keefe muttered.

Forkle and the other man stepped forward and the three boys froze. "Agent Prentice, this is Agent Vacker, Agent Sencen, and Agent Dizznee. Boys, I would like you to meet Agent Prentice. He will be flying the Bus".

"And helping out with missions?" Dizznee asked hopefully and Prentice glared at him in reply. "Or not". Prentice made his way to the upper layer of the plane and Forkle gave the boys a serious look.

"I suggest stowing your bags".

~~~ (I think you guys know who we meet next)

How will you come at us? From the air? From the ground? How will you silence us this time? How can you? The truth is in the wind. It's everywhere. You cannot stop The Rising Tide. You will never see our faces. But rest assured... We will rise against those who shield us from the truth. And nothing... nothing can stop us in the–

The door to Sophie's van open and she turned to the two men with a smile. "Hey, what up?". The first boy put a bag over her head.


Alvar pushes Sophie into the seat as she twisted in his grip. "You guys are making a big mistake".

Alvar snorted. "You don't look that big". Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Look," Alvar sighed. "There are two ways we can do this-"

"Is one way the easy way?"


Sophie blinked. "Oh".

Forkle pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, we believe that you may have valuable information for us".

Alvar leaned forward with a smirk and Keefe attempted to mimic the pose, which only made him look desperate. "And we  will do whatever it takes". Keefe nodded along with him.

Forkle sighed and pulled Alvar out of the room. "We aren't going to force her to give up her secrets. She's an asset, and we have an easier method". He held up a syringe and Alvar grinned happily.


Forkle showed the syringe to Sophie. "This is QNB-T16. It's the top-shelf Martini of Sodium Pentothal derivatives. It's a brand-new and extremely potent truth drug. Don't worry. The effects only last about an hour".

Keefe smiled. "And then we'll have all the information we'll need to- OW". The last part was in response to Forkle stabbing the syringe into his arm.

Forkle smiled. "Oh, sorry. Did that hurt?"

Keefe scoffed. "No. But you've lost your mind. You should never do that to a member of your team. And, yes, it did hurt a little bit. But I always try and mask my pain in front of beautiful women 'cause I think it makes me seem more masculine. My god, this stuff works fast". He glanced at Alvar in shock. "Did you know about this?".

Alvar shrugged but smiled happily. "You are kind of annoying".

Forkle turned to Sophie. "Ask him anything you like, he's only a level six". With that, he and Alvar walked out of the room and Sophie turned to Keefe with a mischievous grin.

"Shall we begin?"

That scene was very fun to write. For extra information
Sophie is Sky/ Daisy
Forkle is Agent Coulson
Prentice is Agent May
Alvar is the Evil side of Agent Ward
Keefe is the funny, fan loved side of Agent Ward
Dex is the Fitz-Simmons combo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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