Chapter 1

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It was a hot sunny day. The boys, Regret and Hunter were at a park, just hanging out with each other. They are brothers who are rarely apart from each other unless they're hunting or on separate missions given to them by their father.

Anyway Regret is the older of the two, being 17 years old and Hunter being 15 years old.

"Dude, the new girl in my physics class kept flirting with me. Like I know I'm hot but I don't swing that way, girls aren't my thing." Regret told Hunter.

Hunter nodded along to the story.

"She even tried to hug my arm when class was over but I was quick enough to avoid her." Regret continues with his story, Hunter listening to him.

"When I stepped out of class she chased after me. When I tell you that I was so close to-"

Regret was interrupted by his and Hunter's phones getting a message from their father.

*Regret. Hunter. I have a mission for both of you. Come back home immediately for the details*

Both Regret and Hunter groaned in annoyance. "I thought we were free for a while since our last mission wasn't that long ago." Hunter complained. "C'mon lets get this done with." Regret patted Hunter's back and start walking home.They arrive home 10 minutes later. They walk to their father's office and take a seat, waiting for their father to explain their mission. Their father walk into his office a few seconds later.

"As you boys know I have a mission for both of you. Well a client of mine has asked me to do a favor for him. Well I asked him for a favor as well a while ago since he owes me one but he's been refusing my favor and making ridiculous excuses as to why he can't do it. This is where you come in. Both of his daughters have transferred into your school and coincidentally they share a class with you boys. The girls' names are Emilia and Jennifer. That's where you both come in. I need both of you to kidnap them and bring them to one of our private mansions."

Their father gave them the address to the mansion they need to go to when they kidnap the girls and let them go to do whatever they want for the rest of the day. The boys walk around the neighborhood chatting with each other.

"So how are we going to kidnap the girls? You already know one of them. I don't pay attention to the students in my classes but I'll have to now." Hunter said. The boys walk in silence thinking of ways to kidnap the girls without getting caught.

A minute passes when Regret comes up with an idea.

"Well I know I won't have trouble with my girl. It'll just be annoying to do but I gotta do it." Regret mutters low enough for Hunter to barely hear.

"What will you do?" Hunter smirks at Regret already knowing what the answer is.

"Be nice to her." Regret mumbles. "I'm sorry, what was that?" Hunter teases. "I said, be nice to her!" Regret says louder. Hunter snickers at Regret.

(Time skip to the next day for school)

Regret and Hunter are having breakfast at school along with some of their friends. The group of boys hear giggles coming from another table behind them. All the boys except Regret and Hunter, turn around winking and waving at the girls. The girls google some more and go back to chattering with each other.

"Those girls are fine as hell. Don't you guys think?"

Jacob, who is one of the boys, commented.

"Huh? Yeah I guess." Hunter replies.

"Eeh, they're alright. Not my type though." Regret also replies. Their friends continue to chat with each other until the bell rings to go to their first class.

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